Next big games?

Star Citizen if it turns out to be decent is the big one on the horizon for me.

Not much inbetween as far as I can tell that has me particularly interested.

Ah yeah I totally forgot about this. Although its going to be a number of years until it looks anything like a full, completed game.
Im quite happy there arent hundreds of games coming out this year, it will give me time to chip away at the 50 unplayed games in my steam library.... before the next summer sale comes out :/
Cyberpunk isn't even going to be mentioned by CD Projekt until 2017 so put that on the back back back burner.

Probably modding Witcher 3 and GTA V, Star Citizen if it ever gets released.
The Division but delayed now until FEB 2016 - Mad Max looks good from the Trailer so going to check that out , Batman , Nothing else I'm excited about , Oh wait playing as Girls in FIFA 2016 :) lol
Currently enjoying gta 5 and witcher 3

will be looking forward to the new doom game, just cause 3, metal gear phantom pain, batman arkham knight
MGS 5 is another big one apart from Batman, but that's not till September anyway. The around Christmas time you'll have the typical yearly releases, Just Cause 3, etc. The "Summer Drought" tends to happen a lot with games over the holiday period, hence the Steam Summer Sale to go back and buy some games from previous years which you might of missed.
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