Next doors invasion of bindweed.

1 Jun 2013
Turbo strimmer time!

That just spreads all the little bits around and it grows again from all those cuttings. You need a systemic weedkiller that will spread throughout the plant and kill the roots off too. Plus it grows by wrapping itself around anything else (usually other plants), so you can't just cut it all down as it's normally all over something you want to keep.
19 Jul 2011
Have you ever actually talked to your neighbours? more often than not they are less than cooperative in my experience. Though to be fair our previous ones were quite happy for me to use their drive to park vehicles on when moving out and our current ones seem pretty easy going but that is more of an exception than the rule :(

I talk to my neighbours all the time! Part of being a community I reckon.
Yes occasionally you get an obnoxious one but most people aint that bad once they realise you're not there to rob them or otherwise make their life harder.
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