Next gen Consoles Vs PC?

15 Jan 2010
Are you telling me I can get home, dive on to my sofa like the console playing winner I am, pick up my controller, press two buttons, and then be in a game ;)?

Hows changing out all those game discs going for you? Glad I don't have to deal with all that hassle.

Luckily we have this major advancement in technology on the PC, it's called a short-cut we can just press power, click on one icon and slouch back on the sofa with our beautiful graphics enriched games. :)
4 Jul 2012
I think Pc gamers underestimate how much can be said about the convenience of a Console.
I don't think they do.

Much easier to hook up ( no self builds involved)

You don't HAVE to build your own PC, so that's not really a valid point, but beside that, people build their own PCs for more than just games, that's the point generally.

having to sort the best drivers for GPU's etc
You don't "have" to, and what's the "etc"?
sorting settings for each game to get the best play-ability.
If you "have" to do this along with your comment about drivers, you're doing it really wrong.

Aside from that, you HAVE to perform software updates on consoles for new games at times, how is that any different to what you've claimed?

I don't know about xbox live as I haven't used an xbox 360, but I know with PS3 that if you want to maintain access to the PSN then you MUST update to the current firmware if you haven't already.

The ignorance that people show that because others don't want to be bothered or are not as "clued in" about Pc gaming is just rude.

Telling you that you're wrong isn't ignorance, claiming it's rude to tell you you're wrong however is ignorance.

I don't game the much ( mostly just BF3 now), but what I like about the console is its a stand alone system that doesn't interfere with the WORK pc, and I can sit back and switch it on without having to worry about any other PC aspects.

If you "have" to worry about any "PC aspects" then once again you're doing it really wrong.

Your "opinions" on this topic are incredibly ignorant, consoles are more like PCs than they've ever been, in fact there's very little to differentiate between a console and PC if you take hardware specs and first party games out of it.
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17 Oct 2012
I agree. I'd rather pay £500 every 4 or 5 years, instead of paying £2000 every few months to play the latest games to only get a slight graphical advantage. I don't play FPS so mouse/keyboard support doesn't bother me.
You still have to buy a pc to do interneting and word on so a £400 console and a £400 pc every 4years is the same as a £800 pc every 4years apart from the pc hardware is already 4 years ahead. I just get a £200 console every 4years and a £300 worth of pc every 2 years from now, because i can upgrade, then i have a console on a big tv when i feel like it, a pc on a smaller screen upstairs when i feel like it, a tablet for when i'm not in a room with a screen in or where i can't see a screen and a mobile for when i'm on the move. Win win win win. They are all too slow, they crash and can always be improved.
Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
Hows changing out all those game discs going for you? Glad I don't have to deal with all that hassle.

Luckily we have this major advancement in technology on the PC, it's called a short-cut we can just press power click on one icon and slouch back on the sofa with our beautiful graphics enriched games. :)

Changing game disks? Not if I don't want to! It's just as easy to install games on consoles as it is on PCs you know. I choose not to though, as games load so much faster when running straight off the disc than off some old clunky hard drive. Check you PC lot out, upgrading to SDDs just to try to get loading times close to console performance! Good luck with that :cool:
22 Nov 2005
Are you telling me I can get home, dive on to my sofa like the console playing winner I am, pick up my controller, press two buttons, and then be in a game ;)?

i can press the power button on my pc be and booted into a fully loaded windows quicker than you can be signed in to xbox live.
double click my mouse and have a game loaded and be playing before your even past the company logos on your xbox game.

I can also be sat on the sofa with an xbox controller ......

btw i know this to be true as theres 2 xboxs in my house
18 Sep 2009
If Microsoft make the Modern UI/Metro compatible with their controller.
One could sit switch on the PC, sit at the sofa with the control pad.
Launch Steam (With big picture mode) from the Metro/Modern UI screen and then pick the game.


Even now you could just use a mouse to launch Steam and then pick the game, it's not exactly hard.

Half the people I build gaming systems for are useless, they cope fine.

You do have to sort drivers out though :confused:

Consoles are generally more user friendly than PCs, that being said, PCs do a lot more so there is a need for them to be more complex.

I just run my games, I don't know about you.

I know some games do have issues at times and require a driver download, which Steam now take care of for AMD.
8 Oct 2010
Purley - Croydon
Changing game disks? Not if I don't want to! It's just as easy to install games on consoles as it is on PCs you know. I choose not to though, as games load so much faster when running straight off the disc than off some old clunky hard drive. Check you PC lot out, upgrading to SDDs just to try to get loading times close to console performance! Good luck with that :cool:

Low blow >.<

At least I can open a word document on my PC... I'd love to see your console do that ;)
4 Jul 2012
i can press the power button on my pc be booted into windows quicker than you can be signed in to xbox live.

double click my mouse and have a game loaded and be playing quicker than you can an xbox game.


Oh lawd, it's really sad that you can't tell he's trying to wind people up, I'm embarrassed for you.
18 Sep 2009
Changing game disks? Not if I don't want to! It's just as easy to install games on consoles as it is on PCs you know. I choose not to though, as games load so much faster when running straight off the disc than off some old clunky hard drive. Check you PC lot out, upgrading to SDDs just to try to get loading times close to console performance! Good luck with that :cool:

Xbox 360 still requires the disc to be in even with it installed as far as I'm aware?

No, just mocking the general opinion amongst PC gamers (including a few in this thread) that consoles are rubbish whilst getting a fair amount of whoosh in the process :p

Except he's saying stuff that's painfully wrong, ergo trolling.

Although I don't agree that consoles are rubbish, they have their place.
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