Next Star Trek film recasting TNG crew?

Please stop making Star Trek shows and movies.

They can keep making Trek, they just need to stop making  crap Trek.

They also need to either set out to genuinely reboot it (like that JM Straczynski pitch from years ago, pre-JJTrek) or accept that they have to properly respect everything that went before on-screen right down to the look of the ships, the uniforms, the alien makeup, the works.

And yeah, that means it looking all zeerust-y if you set your show in Kirk's time. Deal with it :cool:
The new Trek films were popcorn pap. I like Chris Pine he's a decent Kirk ditto for Qunito and Urban. But the films did stupid stupid stuff. A cadet being made captain! Dumb dumb millennial writing. Interstellar transporters, we need ships why? Ships that seem to take 3 minutes to fly from Klingon to Earth, how can you have a cold war with someone who lives closer than my local pub? Good cast, good production values stupid stupid plots that destroyed any gravitas.
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