How come i can order a £3000 worth of Camera kit from Hong Kong and get it within a couple of days with no Customs problems and no tax added on, yet you guys order a £200 tablet from Murica and everyone runs for the hills......... Madness lol
My DHL tracking doesn't seem to be updating as it shows that it is still in Washington
Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Location Time
1 Shipment information received WASHINGTON - RONALD REAGAN NATIONAL, DC - USA
Just got a text message from DHL, that there will be an import charge of £46.90.
£46 something here also. haha! Oh well! shall see it when u return next Sunday!
So how much did you guys pay including the import charge for getting it a month earlier than everyone else Lol?
Paid 46£ tax aswell!
£30 on top of UK RRP for early adoption is not toooo bad!
Bloody hell Steve if you had known sooner we all could have placed orders with you! lol
About £265.91
Oh well, That's the price you pay for being an early adopter.
16 or 32GB?