I worked there for just over 6 years in different trusts, some of the things you see are shocking.I was working there at the end of last year on a contract when someone in support sent a test email to a new Outlook distribution group which they had accidentally added pretty much the entire NHS staff mailing list to. Then people started doing "Reply All" to the message saying things like "Please remove me from this group"/"You sent me this in error" and this multiplied out into millions(?) of emails and brought the entire NHS email system to a halt. It even ended up on the BBC and I believe The Sun even named the support person who sent the initial email.
Previously they've been less sophisticated and not utilised capabilities like SMB to break out from the initial infection - as I've been saying in some of the threads slowly these are being packaged up with more sophisticated tools and increasingly there is attention being paid to things like infecting IoT devices or hiding copies of it away in device firmware (for instance NAS boxes) to reactivate at a later date when people think the infection has gone, etc. I'm not quite sure at what level and on what timeframe that kind of stuff is making its way into the wild.
I agree, I still think this was sat there waiting to be triggered, similar to what you said earlier, embedded with some form of hardware maybe, this came in from the N3 spine from what i have read, caged above has supplied some great links also.
There are 1.5 million plus people working in the NHS, if this was just a simple click on a wrong\dodgy email then it would happen everyday.
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