Nice bikers

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Who's a nice biker then? I think I am. I have been helped on a couple of occasions when really needing it.

One of which I just posted in another thread:

ags said:
My first Ducati 748 didn't have a fuel light, well, it did. But was broken... Oh that was fun for the first couple of rides! Went to hemel hempstead and on the way back to Reading, I concked out on the M4 at J7 or something, van pulled over. Driver said he owned a R1 and could drop me off at the next junctions petrol station but not take me back. Sod it, accepted and went with him. Got to the petrol station, bought a little jerry can, filled it up. Walked over to 2 bikers who were chatting. Before I said hello, one asked if I was stranded. I said yes, he then drove 15 miles to drop me off at my bike. I offered money, petrol, he wouldn't have any of it. I started up my bike, all fine, before I even got my helmet on he said "You going to be ok mate?" I replied yes and thanked him, off he went! Within 40 mins, I spend 8 quid and got home :D

I have helped a few people, mainly on MW's simply because the journey on a motorway is laborious and dull, so anyone stranded must be frustrated.

One time, I stopped by for a chap who's ninja broke down, he said a van was on it's way and he had been waiting for over a hour. I was in no rush to get to where I was going, so I sat with him for 20 mins chatting away, the van turned up and off I went.

Another is I was out torwards Ayelsbury and saw a bike on the side of the road with the guys head in his hands. I turned around, went back and it turned out he was late to see his kids for the weekend he was seeing them. I had a 2 seater on my first 748 at the time, so told him to hop on the back and I will take him to them (they were 5 miles down the road apparently). And when I dropped him off I would then go back and look after his bike until the van came to pick it up and drop it off at his kid's house.

He was suspicious at first, I gave all my details and assured him, also told him to take keys. He trusted me and off we went. Dropped him off, came back, sat with the bike for about 15 mins then a van turned up, helped the guy put it on (had to push! That was tough). Then got a call that evening with a man sounding over the moon and thanking from the bottom of his heart. That felt good. Think he mentioned something about the ex wife (mother of the kids) threatening that he doesn't care about them.

Another one was not for a biker, but coming onto the M4 on a friday afternoon off the M25 it was stand still traffic. A mondeo was on the slip road causing mayhem with a puncture and this poor woman was trying to change a tyre, regardless of people stopping at the side of her car for about 5 mins as they trickled past. no one was helping. She had 2 young kids in the back screaming and crying. You could tell she was about to break down her self.

I instantly pulled over, told her to let me do it and see to her kids, did it in a few mins and off she went, she was almost crying bless her!

Anyone else like this? Or are you a 'Oh look, someone in trouble, gutted?'.

Reminds me of the first and only time I dropped my bike at a junction (every K75/100 owner has done it) - pulled a leg muscle in the process so couldn't pick it up. Must have watched at least 30 cars drive past and blithely ignore me, whereas the first two bikers who came past turned around straight away and helped me get going again.

Since then I've always stopped to help other road users if I can, although it always seems to be the old stereotypes such as elderly lady cooking the clutch in her Ka, or middle-aged woman with kids putting her Picasso into the ditch.
There doesn't seem to be too many nice bikers around where I live.

Just yesterday I lowsided going round a roundabout not noticing oil on the floor. There was another biker right behind me who just went straight past me without even a second look.

I think I'm nice, about 3 weeks ago a guy was pulled over to the side of the road, I stopped to let him use my phone to call a recovery vehicle.
I once stopped for some tourists who had within 5 minutes after picking up their hire car had removed the tyre from the alloy. They couldn't work out the scissor jack though it was pretty useless as the car was sitting so low due to the lack of tyre so I called the AA and went on my way.
I think I am, always stop if I see a bike down, or even if they have just stopped in an unusual place I make sure they are ok. Others have always helped me out when they have been passing. Unlike cars/pedestrians who just drove/walked on past when I dropped the bike last winter on ice and was struggling to get it up (the bike!) due to no grip for me or the bike. Was really annoyed that no one stopped even the people that had to walk right past me!
i'll help anybody who wants the help. always have, always will. don't think its coz i'm a biker though, won't do it for them but will help them. :)
I totally will stop if I can or if it ill turn around and go see if I can help.
Having had loads of people stop and help me out and even I dont need help and stay for a few mins for a chat is really nice. What goes around, comes around in my book.
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