Nice looking speakers (and amp?)

18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots
Hey guys, I've been thinking about getting an amp for my desktop for a little while, got a few things to plug into it like the xbox 360 / sky+ and of course my PC, they're all on the same desk...

Anyone got any suggestions for a cheap(ish) amp with at least one optical in and some nice compact speakers for the desktop (will probably get some surround speakers too at a later date). Obviously will need a subwoofer too...

I'm really quite superficial and would like some speakers that look the part aswell as sound it.
Going away from PC speakers, you're asking a lot for a cheapish amp ~£100, and from the reading I've done, you wont find a cheap, decent sounding subwoofer, all you'll get is horrible, rumbly, uncontrolled things like you find on pc speaker sets.

Speaker wise, the Mordaunt Short 902i's might serve your purpose and cost about £150 (come in black and darker brown as well)


I'll see what I can dig up on amps, but I really wouldnt bother with a sub on a lower budget, its advice I've seen repeated on any number of occassion and to me at one point. I would have recommended a cambridge A5 amp, unfortunately they dont have an optical in.

Would also definately recommend looking secondhand on the auction site :)

-edit the Cambridge Audio Azur 540r appears to have optical inputs and outputs, so might cover your needs, its an AV surround amp, so might help in your quest for surround sound too, as you could buy a center to go with the mordaunts (perhaps a mordaunt center, so they play nicer) and some back speakers :) Hasn't got HDMI tho if thats relevant to you.

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Thanks for the reply, the amp sounds good, and lol I know I'm trying to be cheap where I shouldnt be. And I understand what you're saying about the sub... From what I've heard before I would be looking at about £100 for a decent sub, but never really bought into that, guess its true lol...

Speakers though, they look ok, however I was looking for something a little smaller for the desktop, maybe I'm looking for something I cannot get, I did see some other Mordaunt speakers that were small and desktopy but they were around £150 each...

I think its clear that I should either budget more for the speakers and amp or just stick with some good PC speakers and an okish amp...
Tbh, my best bet would be to try ebay. Look for items within your budget. This is what I did a few years ago and got a Technics SU V660 amp and B&O Beovox 3800's for £130. It offsets a few over expensive bits and bobs I have paid for in my time :)
Ah you say that, but compared to most bookshelf's those mordaunts are pretty small, they're not mini, but they're smaller than most. I personally think due to the shape and way they're designed to look, they definately feel smaller than my mission 751s (I bought some 10yr old missions from the auction site, about 8 months back, whilst my mate went for some mordaunts brand new, as we both decided to make the move to better quality audio at roughly the same time, so I've tested and heard both pairs :)).

902i measurements:
H: 290mm
W: 165mm
D: 265mm

Also looking at richer sounds, perhaps the JBL Control 1 speakers might suit your purpose better? Roughly 20cm tall, so much more similarly sized compared to standard speakers, and pretty cheap, so even if sound quality isnt quite as good as more expensive hi-fi gear, it'll probably be better than most pc systems and they only cost 50 quid, they're in silver too, and a lot of people seem to have silver monitors/monitor stands/keyboards etc :)

H: 227mm
W: 130mm
D: 140mm


PS. The 540R AV Amp also comes in Silver as well as black, so again you could match the two, and then upgrade the speakers later on when you come to improve the setup to surround sound :)

So you could buy both brand spanking new for around £300, which might appeal to your budget, and warranty desires, or buy the amp or speakers second hand to make compromises for budget. :)

-edit Found this quote in a mini review on those JBL mini monitors I just mentioned 'They can cope with surpisingly high wattages to give some real punch for their size and their frequency response is excellent.

Basses are surprisingly good considering the small size of this speaker. Mids are decent and have a very high definition and quality. Highs are accurate and real. This speaker doesn't sound tin like.

The only real niggle is the slightly flimsy wall mount which could have been thought through better. At least it's not going to fall off your wall though!'
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