Nice quiet SATA Drive

18 Oct 2002
Last couple of drives I purchased were like hoovers, seagates I think and as I now need to pick up a drive to upgrade another machine I'd like to try and select one that isn't extremely loud.

I'm looking for something around the 250-300gb mark that is relatively quiet. Any suggestions?
rpstewart said:
Which model is that? I've got quite a few and while there's no real spin noise there's obvious seek noise, it's not that loud but you're not in any doubt that there's a lot going on inside the drive.

Its the 8Mb 160Gb IDE version that ocuk have at the moment
Yeah it was mainly seek noise I was referring too, don't think spin noise has ever been a problem to my ears. But my hast two seagates made an horrific clatter even when they were buried in aluminium noise abatement caddy's

Thanks for the info, I'll give the sammy a go.
the Western Digital Caviar SE16 hdds seem to be quiet

well 250gb versions is ok apart from the slight ticking noise it
makes on my silverstone sugo hdd cage

my Samsung SpinPoint P 160gb is the same but its IDE not sats
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