
7 Dec 2003
Does anyone here have a nickname that is cool or original?

What is the best nickname you have ever heard?

Is there a foolproof formula to make a kick ass nickname?

Discuss. :p

Sorry, I need a 'witty' yet 'informative' nickname for one of those touristy t-shirts that people get in Ibiza and stuff. I need inspiration otherwise I'll probably end up with something like 'Big L' which is about as exiciting as crackers. :)
Kreeeee said:
Nicknames are given to you, you don't make them up for yourself :confused:

I get called Dave at work, not entirely sure why. Just happened when I first started, one of the guys couldn't remember my name so just started calling me Dave :confused:
It's grown on me though, now they even tell the customers I'm called Dave :o Plus when I met one of the guy's wives, she started the conversation with 'Ahh you must be Dave' :D
Haly said:

I get called Dave at work, not entirely sure why. Just happened when I first started, one of the guys couldn't remember my name so just started calling me Dave :confused:

Similar thing for me except I was Dirty Bob :p
Well one of the lads that works for me, i have now given him the name Prescott as he went to Asda the other day and had his body fat measured...poor lad is only 25 but the test for him came out just above obese :p. So with that in mind i christened him Prescott as that fat **** is quite obese:p

As for my nickname??, i havent been given one...think they are too scared to give me one in case i sack them all.....hehe having that sort of power is kinda nice :p
Haly said:

I get called Dave at work, not entirely sure why. Just happened when I first started, one of the guys couldn't remember my name so just started calling me Dave :confused:
It's grown on me though, now they even tell the customers I'm called Dave :o Plus when I met one of the guy's wives, she started the conversation with 'Ahh you must be Dave' :D

A vote, forum name change. Haly to Dave.
Only nickname I've ever had is Murf, but I've been pretty vigilant with ensuring it stays that way. When I meet people they're told that I'm Murf, because my surname is Murphy. A lot of the people I know don't know my first name.
Spacky and Specky (Specky derived from Spacky due to my specs)

Spacky derived from Spackhandychoptubes my yahoo chat name years ago.
One of my mates was known as Both for a while.

He's called Andrew and when someone asked what he liked to be called, Andy or Andrew he replied 'Both' and so it stuck!

I always liked that one :)
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