Night work/Shift work.

12 Jun 2004
I was chatting to a customer at work today and he was telling me to never work night shifts as they will eventually age you much faster than if you worked during the day. I swear i read something about this being true and a lack of natural sunlight certainly isn't good for you. Anyways, he went on for a bit about his mate 'Joe' who was 30 something but looked over 50 because of his erratic night shifts.

Anyone working nights at the moment? Do you always feel tired even when you are 'meant to be awake'? Thoughts? Input? Blah blah? :)
it works for me as its 4.30pm to 1.30am mon to thu to me this is perfect as i get up at 9am and have loads of daylight then fri sat sun and most of mon free. did 10pm till 6am over 5 nights afew years back and that was terrible ,always tired
I work nights 9pm till 8am, first few shifts were weird but you get used to it. I've always been a night owl though. Annoying thing is trying to get sleep when it's hot during the day or someones making noise outside :o
Rubbish, my grandad worked down the mines after he came back from being a POW in Japan, he worked down the mines for 10/12 hours a day, till he was 60, it cant affect your health but he lived till his 82 so not a bad innings considering what he went through. He looked about a man in his 80s.

Main thing about nights is you are working the opposite to 95% of the population, coming home at 6am and having a beer is will always feel wrong.
Eat and sleep properly and you'll be fine, the only people who had a problem when I worked nights were trying to have a normal daytime routine and then do a nightshift.
Anyone working nights at the moment? Do you always feel tired even when you are 'meant to be awake'? Thoughts? Input? Blah blah? :)

i miss about 1 or 2 nights sleep a week, continue with the next day and then go to sleep the usual time, like now.

you feel sleepy at about 6am-onwards, after around 3pm or so its much better, and personally i feel like i can miss another nights sleep in a row
i worked 12 hour continental shift patterns for 6 years. 3 days one week, then 2 nights and 2 days the next week, and three nights the next and then back to 3 days.
i almost always did overtime as well so i usually did between 5 and 7 shifts a week.
all i can say is i wont go back to working nights again if i can help it! you walk around like a zombie, feeling like crap a lot of the time.
some of the people who worked there though have been doing it for 20+ years and they seem to cope fine really
I had a look at that link I;m not convinced, anyone got any information as to WHY living through the night might affect your health?
I've been working nights for 6 years now, 10pm till 8am...

From the people that come and go ive noticed that night shift doesnt suit or work for everyone

Some people just can't do it. Theres something i can't do tho, get up in the morning and this is the reason for me to work nights, i love walking home in the morning and getting to see everyone else going to work, when im going to bed
Mate of mine did night shift for about 5 yrs and tells me you can't do it for long periods as it messes you up, he says he will never do it again! But others I know who also do it seem fine. Personally I would prefer doing a night shift if I finished a good few hours before sunrise, so that when I go to bed it still 'feels' like night and I can get up comfortably around 12-1 in the afternoon.

I have done nightshift in the past for about 2 months where I come home and it's daylight outside and then I have to try and go sleep! I would never do that again, it just doesn't feel right to me.
most of the people that died at the tesco's i worked for at nights was due to heart attacks. I had one also after 9 months. My brother-in-law has worked nights for 24yrs now and he's fine. Makes you wonder though!
I've been working nights for a few years, no problems so far. Then again, I can sleep through anything. I get off work at 8am, bus home by 09:20, sleep at 10:00 for 7 hours - sun shining through my south-facing window, 2 hyperactive dogs and a dual carriageway, I sleep like a log. Wake up at 16:57ish, just before my alarm goes off, back into work for 20:00. Considering 3 night shifts is my entire week's work, I'd say I get more than enough daylight.
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