locutus12 said:
given im the only one on here who talks often about the guy and given i only found out about him being a pianist 2 months back, and given the only time NiN have been talked about is in the odd post, your way out of line.
Unlike you, I have a life outside of the forums; at no point did I mention the forums in my post. Part of this life outside the forums includes conversation with other human beings. Conversation regularly turns to music for most people.
ODDLY ENOUGH, every time someone mentions NIN to me and I confirm that I am a fan they something along the lines of "Ah! Trent's a classically-trained pianist!"
not only that but your post has nothing to do with the topic, just a negative mini rant, i put this up for people who havent heard NiN and may be interested, not for miserable buggers like yourself to come moan about because they are board.
My post is about NIN, the thread is about NIN so it most definitely on-topic. If you feel otherwise, please report my post to the moderators. Alternatively, email someone about it; you may get an automated reply...if you're lucky.
incidentally i dropped the fact that he is a classically trained pianist into the thread as the name Nine Inch Nails, may scare some people off, hence knowing there is an authentic musical/instrumental basis to the work may entice them to listen.
That's what irritates me - it's always mentioned in a 'OMFG! IT'S REAL MUSIC! CLASSICALLY TRAINED!!!!' manner. It is as though you're ashamed of liking music that's slightly 'grrr' or as if you feel that a musicians qualifications has ANY bearing on the quality of music they produce.
basically youve decided to be real harsh about my post because the guy can play the piano?
No. I decided to be harsh about you engaging in activity which is very tired and gets on my nerves.
and youve decided to take the **** out of a guy because at one point he got a little chubby, not fat, what kind of **** posting is that ?
Fat-Trent was ****ing hilarious. Even he admitted it.
basically penski if your gonna be negative in a thread thats supposed to be there for a possitive reason, you can go else where.
I'm not being negative, I am making an accurate and honest observation; one which is echoed by others.
Seriously, using "Trent Reznor is a classically trained pianist" to argue that 'OMFG NIN ARE THEH AWESOME!!!' is like using "I'm a classically-trained masturbator" To argue that you are a good lover. It just doesn't work.
May I suggest that, if you cannot accept that people have opinions which differ to your own, you turn your PC off and go for a walk?
PS: solo version of Something I Can Never Have > *