hes certainly more brooding these days, if anything he appears unhappier now than when he first started which is strange, but then his best friend who was also his financial manager did screw him over to the tune of 4.9 million dollars.
he went to buy a property in early 2005 and was declined due to lack of funds, apparently he went and checked his account and after 17 years of NiN realised he only had 450 thousand dollars to his name, despite him being rather frugal with it. an indipendant audit revealed massive fraud and he had to sue his friend to get it back. apparently it was all quite upsetting, eye wittnesses say when he was called on the phone and told he had won the case that he looked very sad. i have a feeling the money wasnt that important, just necessary.
as for his style of music today, there are still hints of the downward spiral in With Teeth, and the fragile is a masterpiece. for me, my favourite album has to be CD2, "Still" on the album title "And All That Could Have Been" this is the point where you realise young trents grown up