Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero [Stream]

Nice to be able to hear it on my own system after they premiered it in London to the spiral :D

What do you think of this one then?

For me it's pretty much genius... I kind of see your point about WT, but still think it was needed to get to this album. This is quite a bold album from then (him).
Ive had a look at some of the new songs from the album off of youtube i wasn't really impressed that much, i think i'll wait for the album to be released before i give it a proper pasting. Certainly not the worst ive ever heard from nin;).
With Teeth took a while to grow on me but once it did I listened to very little else for a while. I always take my time with NIN records and i'll be making no judgments on this one until i've listened to it a good few times.

Really like Me, I'm Not though.
3-4 good songs on the new album, it doesn't seem like NIN really, totally different.

Meet Your Master
Me, I'm Not

Are the best songs imo :D
Survivalism, The Good soldier, Capital G, My Violent Heart, The Great Destroyer, In this twilight and zero sum are the best ones :cool:
As a lifelong NIN fan, I must say that i feel that ole Trent started to slip around the time of "The Fragile." I understand that his life has changed quite a bit, like replacing drugs with bodybuilding and whatnot, and his attitudes have changed as well, but while I haven't listened to Year Zero completely (i'm sorta afraid to, for fear it won't be as good as Broken or Pretty Hate Machine) I have to say that With Teeth was a big dissapointment. It seems as though the message has changed (become more simple?) I might just listen to the new album now, as I'm the only person in the office on weekends and see how it goes.
love it :) especially love "The Warning" being a big fan of sci-fi it certainly appeals to me, sends shivers down me too
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