Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero [Stream]

Got it today dear god :( that will be hidden at the back with my "Things Falling Apart" album :o. Please trent go back on the ******* drugs you're creativity has gone down the toilet :(.
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^TANK^ said:
Got it today dear god :( that will be hidden at the back with my "all that could have been" album :o. Please trent go back on the ******* drugs you're creativity has gone down the toilet :(.

You think 'And All That Could Have Been' is a bad record?
IceBus said:
You think 'And All That Could Have Been' is a bad record?

:eek: And all that could have been is one of my favorite's :cool:. Sorry what i meant to of said was the album Things Falling Apart its been awhile i managed to get them two mixed up.
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^TANK^ said:
Got it today dear god :( that will be hidden at the back with my "Things Falling Apart" album :o. Please trent go back on the ******* drugs you're creativity has gone down the toilet :(.

This seems to be their marmite album.
I think it's very good now, at first was a bit like ok he's gone too mainstrem almost - especially with the start of survivalism and capital g, but after a few listens I quite like the album :)
I think the album is very good also, its not better than The Downward Spiral/ The Fragile but still its an album worthy of buying (Not just for the thermal disc :p ). Really like most of the songs on it but cant seem to get the last two out my head for the past few days (In This Twilight / Zero-Sum)

When the disc is heated it shows a bunch of binary digits if you translate these into english it gives the site Click Which is something to do with the album i geuss but havent had the chance to read it. After lisitng to this album and now seeing that its confirmed they are supporting the Foo's in Edinburgh all i can say is bring on the 21st of Augest, cant wait. Seen them in April they do put on a very good live show and played Survialism which sounded a lot better live so looking forward to hearing the new songs live :).
This album seriously grows on you. I've been listening to it almost constantly since a few days after the release. The most original stuff i've heard in a long while.
I know exactly what you mean, I listened to the whole thing right through last night, the first I had listened in about 2 weeks and at various points I said "**** me, this is great". It reminds me of Pretty Hate Machine, not in content but in it's style.
After listening to this for the last month or so I think it's fantastic. The whole mood puts me in mind of an X-Files type conspiracy set in a 1984/Half-Life 2 type place. Trent's comment about it being a soundtrack for a film that doesn't exist is spot on. The thing is the music and lyrics are so good it doesn't need anything else.

The colour changing CD had me confused for a bit though, nice touch.
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