
18 Oct 2002
Anyone here print with this stuff?

I've tried a few times to print today on 3 different machines and all of them it ends up winding itself around the extruder..

It's becoming a touch annoying to say the least..
Last time i use it, was with a Cetus 3d printer, made some lego tyres, printed really well, not tried it with the ender yet. did you turn retraction off?

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I havent turned retraction off no, but that was tomorrow's plan as I figured it was the retraction that was causing it to wrap itself up, as I'm not sat in the room where the printers are the first I know is a clicking noise as the extruder skips if I have the door open, or, if the doors shut I go into the room and the nozzles just floating about the top of the print, usually followed by swearing...

Problem with killing retraction though is the job I'm playing with at the mo has 4 towers and as it moves from one to the other across the top of the job it's stringy AF.
Then there's the problem that the job as it started is about 11 hours, but we cant leave the printers on at night, I've done some maintenance on the printers and they're a lot better than they were but ideally I want to try and get a single print within 8 hours, then, if I can get this 3d printed direct drive bracket sorted for the Ender3Pro I want to see if I can ramp the speed up and try and get 2 out in 8 hours if I can print 2 on the bed at once, but that's really pushing it...

I have watched a fair few of CHEP's videos, and even went as far as to print the new extruder top from his previous video on the subject, but then I was getting under extrusion as the arm wasn't putting enough pressure on it, I suppose I could try that again with a different spring, but as I had the E3P to play with I figured I'd play with the DD option.
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