Nintendo Switch has unpatchable nVidia Tegra X1 flaw

NVidia really aren't doing so well when it comes to consoles. As far as I know, their supplied chips were the cause of the PS3 Yellow Light of Death as well.
YLOD was a lead free solder issue rather than an Nvidia specific issue.
Are you sure? At the same time a load of nVidia mobile GPUs were killing laptops for the same or similar reasons. I also remember nVidia resisting working with Sony on the fix as well, by refusing to allow Sony to manufacture the GPU and CPU on the same PCB
Are you sure? At the same time a load of nVidia mobile GPUs were killing laptops for the same or similar reasons. I also remember nVidia resisting working with Sony on the fix as well, by refusing to allow Sony to manufacture the GPU and CPU on the same PCB

Having "repaired" several then yes it was lead free solder on both the Nvidia RSX chip and the (Sony) cell processor. Just coincided with bumpgate or whatever the Nvidia laptop problem was.
I've got mixed feelings on this one. On one hand, it's a real shame the Switch is about to be plagued by piracy. On the other hand, I'm intrigued to see what people can do with the Switch hardware :D Finally some game save backups?

This is far from a perfect exploit though. It's unpatchable. But you need to hook the Switch up to a PC every time you boot the system.
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This isn't really a easy thing to do for the average Joe, i don't have windows so even if its easy to do, I am not going to have the tools to even if I wanted to.

I don't see this to be any different really PC piracy games, normal games sales will still go ahead like normal.
At last, people will have a use for the switch... that is the ability to emulate. Gamecube here we come. Pity about having to tether, but i'm sure eventually this won't be necessary.
I've got mixed feelings on this one. On one hand, it's a real shame the Switch is about to be plagued by piracy. On the other hand, I'm intrigued to see what people can do with the Switch hardware :D Finally some game save backups?

This is far from a perfect exploit though. It's unpatchable. But you need to hook the Switch up to a PC every time you boot the system.

I got no ill feeling on it, nintendo's practices of forced product shortages to keep supply and demand favourable, and resistance to lowering prices on old products doesnt make me particularly like them, especially how they left the wii-u out to dry.
Nintendo hate their customers. Maybe the way they do things is just some Japanese culture thing at play.
Being able to use CFW on the switch is the best thing to happen for the customer. The having to connect up to a PC every time you want to boot is the only issue, but i'm sure there will be something else along that won't require this procedure.
I wasn't previously interested in the switch, but being able to use it as a Linux tablet and a portable emulation machine, well I might be interested. Will need to decide soon though before the new hardware comes out with the fixed chip.
I just bought it to play Nintendo games, I'm personally not interested in fannying about with it. There are plenty of other cheaper options if you just want to emulate.
I just bought it to play Nintendo games, I'm personally not interested in fannying about with it. There are plenty of other cheaper options if you just want to emulate.

It depends what you want to emulate and your requirements. If you want a decent sized screen and a decent enough horsepower that will be good for Dolphin, the switch is excellent. No cheaper alternative comes close with their Chinese SOCs.

OK, there is some significant development still required for the switch to be useful at demanding emulation, e.g. gpu drivers, but they'll come soon enough. And a decent Linux tablet all in one - yes please, I'm sick of MS and Android and what they've become. I don't want stupid messages popping up in an OS trying to promote or sell things to me.

The only issue right now is having to boot the switch by connecting to a PC.
At last, people will have a use for the switch... that is the ability to emulate. Gamecube here we come. Pity about having to tether, but i'm sure eventually this won't be necessary.
So why is it one of the fastest selling consoles then :confused:. Hate Nintendo all you want but to say the Switch isn't a fantastic console with fantastic games is ignorant at best.
So why is it one of the fastest selling consoles then :confused:. Hate Nintendo all you want but to say the Switch isn't a fantastic console with fantastic games is ignorant at best.

The majority of people I know who bought a switch played with it for a couple of months before putting it on the shelf to collect dust. Being able to emulate opens up a whole load more opportunities to play equally as good games.
Looks like a win win to me.

If you don’t have one and planning to get one because now you can do home brew etc, Nintendo makes a sale.

If you have one already, Nintendo made a sale.
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