Nintendo Switch has unpatchable nVidia Tegra X1 flaw

Presumably this means someone could write something that effectively bricks the console?

You'll need physical access to the hardware during power-up to perform Fusée Gelée and then run your own software – it's not something that can be pulled off over the air nor after the thing has booted up.

So the answer is yeah but you're going to be so hands on you could more easily brick it with an actual brick.

Looks like a win win to me.

If you don’t have one and planning to get one because now you can do home brew etc, Nintendo makes a sale.

If you have one already, Nintendo made a sale.

How does pirated games fit into that as a win. That eats into games sales.
That has never worked for any console manufacture. See Dreamcast.
I don't think it's quite as black and white as that. Personally I feel that the Dreamcast isn't a good example because technology wise it fell between generations, and whilst it had some great ideas they were a little too soon to be fully realised. The PS2 just came along and destroyed it and seems to be the main reason for it's death...and for that matter the PS2's vast success (and to a degree the PS1) could be seen to resist piracy. PS2 games were readily copied and yet look at the sales results for Sony's first two consoles.

You could probably argue piracy did the PSP in, although there too hardware sales went on for far longer than expected because of the impact of piracy and people wanting the system. But the DS? Also absolutely jammed full of piracy and look how that did....

There's no simple one size fits all scenario.
The majority of people I know who bought a switch played with it for a couple of months before putting it on the shelf to collect dust. Being able to emulate opens up a whole load more opportunities to play equally as good games.

I'm not really interested in emulation but it may be something I could use the Switch for as I don't use it now. I am also one in the minority it seems, I've barely used the Switch since getting it on release. I find it terribly uncomfortable to use as a handheld, it's not good enough as a home console and apart from Mario Kart none of the games have appealed to me. The fact that they charge £40 for a game that has been out for years on other consoles and probably available for £5 and multiformat games are usually at least £10 more for less quality (yes I know it uses a cartridge but still). I don't understand why people like it but that's just me (or not as the case may be)
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