Now that we are all nice and pumped, I can begin. I decided that I was sick of not being ripped and that I should do something about it. I was steered in the direction of CBL by resident douchebag icecold and have been on the programme since 6th January 2013. Just over a month in and I think I can see some results, so here's hoping they continue!
6' 1"
77.4kg at last weigh in (late January)
Doing SL 5x5 + a few bonus bits. To justify the backloads I'm doing bonus reps on the last 2 sets just to make sure I'm truly dead, to a maximum of 12 reps. As the weights are going up, the reps are obviously going down, so soon I will plateau to a standard 5x5. On some exercises I have done so already. I'm quite happy with the split, although day 2 is a bit hamstring heavy. 90s rests if a set is completed, 3.5mins if I fail.
Day 1:
Bench Press
Barbell Rows
Overhead Squats (5x10)
Leg Raises
Day 2:
Overhead Press
Deadlift (I'm going 5x5 on this as well for the time being)
Pull ups / Chin ups --> negatives -> pull downs (alternating every 2 sessions)
SL Deadlift (4x10)
Leg Raises
3/4 weights sessions a week, with 20 minutes HIIT + mobility rolling on 'off days'. Once a weekish I'll have a day where I do nothing as part of 2 'off days' in a row.
CBL is the weapon of choice. Aiming for 250-300g per backload in line with my fatloss goals. Getting in 160g of protein on 'off days' and aiming for +200g on training days. ~300kcals and 0 carbs consumed before 5pm.
Recent Efforts:
Squats were avoided for a fortnight due to injury. Went down from 75kg to 60kg and concentrating on form.
Squats 60kg - 5,5,5,12,12
Bench 52.5kg - 5,5,5,6,5
Rows - 42.5kg - 5,5,5,6,6
Dips (36kg assisted) - 5,5,5,5,5
OH Squats - 10x5 using a pole (~5kg)
Squats 62.5kg - 5,5,5,8,12 (was hesitant on going ultra turbo with dead lifts imminent)
OH Press 37.5kg - 5,5,3,4,4
DL 80kg - 5,5,5,12,12
Pull Ups - 3 + negatives, 1 + negatives, pulldowns (45kg widegrip) 7, 7
SL Deadlift 40kg - 10x5
Stay tuned for exciting progress!