No bios??? flat batt???

13 Jun 2006
A system that I'm working on won't boot up. The fans turn and I get a single beeb from my ami bios but then the moniter turns off and switchs to stand by. The system doesn't seem to do anything aftre that.

I've tried booting to a disk but when the boot up options comes up, again the moniter turns off. I tried pressing enter to get the system to boot the first option but nothing!!!!

The system is a 5/6 years old, could the batt on the motherboard be flat and thats caused me to lose bios????

thanks in advance for any help!!

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if it was a flat BIOS battery you should still be able to get in except all your settings including the date and time will be reset each time.

You haven't set the resolution too high or something like that? Made any changes recently?
How far in the boot process does it get before switching the monitor off.. Does it get to the Windows load stage?

Have you tried booting into safe mode?
It looks to boot from a cd-rom then a the a drive disk then it switchs off. it gets no where near windows.
I've tried getting to the cmos settings but thats to no avail!

The keyboard also seem strange the num lock light is on and then goes off when the moniter goes. it then flashs if you press anything on it!!


bit of an odd one but ive had something similar with my dads machine.

People were telling me it was this that and the other, but they were all wrong. After some investigation, I found the problem to be the graphics card in the end.

(God only knows how it effected everything else!)

try removing the graphics card, clean the AGP/PCI-E port with compressed air and whack the card back in, so that it is secure and sitting properly.

sometimes even when screwed in, the cards have some movement
no i can't get it to boot to anything! not even safe mode.

I'll try the video card but short of that I'm well and trully stuck!!!!!!!!

Thanks for replying!
it must the video card then.. i doesn't seem to be communicating with the OS correctly.. The only thing i can recommend you do is get your hands on a cheap video adaptor and try that out thus elimating the system.
Nailed it!!!!!!

turns out it was the video card. All i did was wip it out cleaned it with switch cleaner shoved it back in and jons your mothers uncle..!

Thanks to everyone who replied you've been a massaive help


trisrtan ;)
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