No Post, No nothing

27 Aug 2005
Hi everyone :)

Well I just set up my new components with a CPU that got given to me (XP2000+) and when it powers on all fans come on, HDDs spin and CD drive flashes but the system does post.

The system does no beep atall.

Ive tryed unplugging the hdd and the cd rom.

Got a bad feeling its the CPU.

What you guys think?
I'd try replacing the memory with some test stuff before you go CPU swapping.

Though saying ever think why someone gave you that processor? :p

Good Luck with getting it to work
If the speaker doesnt beep it usually means the processor is no longer functioning IMO. If it was one of the other components there would be a sequence of beeps from the speaker depending on the BIOS type and the problem.
Not all, some have a 4 connect that say "***" or something similar on the MB itself. Either that or a lil black circle on the MB. If its beeped before then you've got one somewhere... :D
Lol its never beeped before, its never anything as I only got it today, there is definatly not a normal round black speaker on it..

It's an MSI board that can come with an *optional* D-Bracket that has post lights on it, unfortunatly mine didnt come with one so..... Im stuck lol
There should be a speaker in the case...a small blaack system speaker. Hook this up to the relavent header on the motehrboard if there is one.
I`d recheck the cpu and everything is seated correctly in,and if you have your old xp chip try that.If it works you may be then able to flash the bios on the motherboard to latest which might then enable you to run the `newer chip` as bios revisions often update code to support processors that come out after it or fix incompatibilities.
It could well be the chip or motherboard is duff,above should narrow it down.
Check the memory is in properly. Though it gets told that if a PC is completely dead then its the CPU to blame, not always the case.

If you have two sticks of RAM in there take one stick out and try that, swap the RAM over using only one stick. You may have a faulty stick which can result in a dead PC on power on.

If the CPU was given to you I assume it was working fine before you got ahold of it. Is this a new mobo you are using? Is the video card seated properly?

Any luck? unfortunately it sounds like you don`t have spares of anything to troubleshoot properly.Try and find some small local pc shop with a tech who`s friendly who`ll troubleshoot it for you cheaply (ask them what it`ll cost),it`ll only take 5 mins and will save further hair loss.
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