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1 Dec 2010
North Wales
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Nah, my old 8800GTS squealed like a pig to the day it died (no related I'm sure) and my 4890 also liked to wail. When I got my 5850 (Nov 2009) it was beastly loud for squealing on loading screens and scrolling web pages... It calmed down and was silent after a few months

Not sure if it is an issue worthy of an RMA but if you have just received it you can return it under DSR (Distance Selling Regulations) at your own expense for refund or replacement. However, there is a chance the replacement will be just as squealy :eek:
Aslong as its not damaging anything then it doesnt bother me. I wear headphones all the time at the PC with music normally on low. So i cannot hear it then, but the noise it was making just scared me a little.

Just a sidenote firefox and scrolling doesnt seem to cause it just when i fire up a game or use the cuda cores for rendering.

I will try turning speed step off now.
change your psu or turn off intel speedstep in the bios,read this thread,


lots of opinions but from my experience on another forum its nearly always the psu,nothing wrong with it and it wont hurt your components but some gpu/psu combos produce the noise more than others

Anyone else can confirm this, I'm getting worried about my squeeling noise. I dont want to turn off speedstep, dont need my i5 running at 3.7Ghz when Im browsing the web.
depends what mb you have but you can get it to downclock cpu with speedstep turned off,i posted screenshots in that thread

read this thread too,pretty much proves its down to psu


i ran with el chepo psu that did it for few years,everythings still working fine,have better brand psu now and noise is gone apart from very faint whine inside the case(mostly when in game menus) but no whine noise through speakers/headphones
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Anyone else can confirm this, I'm getting worried about my squeeling noise. I dont want to turn off speedstep, dont need my i5 running at 3.7Ghz when Im browsing the web.

Quick test is to switch V-Sync on at 60Hz. If the noise reduces then its coil squeal and quite common.

I would imagine that the number of posts like this will increase as these cards can push serious frame rates if not frame rate limited and thus will create quite a bit of coil squeal in many setups.

Intro screens to games are another one, I saw almost 5000fps the other day and the coil squeal can be pretty horrific.
Quick test is to switch V-Sync on at 60Hz. If the noise reduces then its coil squeal and quite common.

I would imagine that the number of posts like this will increase as these cards can push serious frame rates if not frame rate limited and thus will create quite a bit of coil squeal in many setups.

Intro screens to games are another one, I saw almost 5000fps the other day and the coil squeal can be pretty horrific.

I have VSYNC enabled and FPS limiter to 60 in games so it never comes up. It only rears its ugly head when I EXIT Heaven 3.0 and you see the credits screen where you press Esc to get to Desktop. During the benchmark I dont hear any squealing at all *FPS Limiter and sync are off obviously).

Wonder what's happening at that screen? Is it because the GPU is switching from 3D to 2D?
I have VSYNC enabled and FPS limiter to 60 in games so it never comes up. It only rears its ugly head when I EXIT Heaven 3.0 and you see the credits screen where you press Esc to get to Desktop. During the benchmark I dont hear any squealing at all *FPS Limiter and sync are off obviously).

Wonder what's happening at that screen? Is it because the GPU is switching from 3D to 2D?

From memory on that screen and Crysis 2 intro screen i get between 300 and 5000 frames per second so, I imagine that you are in 3D clocks just at crazy high FPS.

*In my experience* the noise should be more apparent when:

a) Drawing lots of power into the card
b) Running very high fps (above 120)

When running low fps and high GPU usage, it will sound more like a ticking noise, I can reproduce by running Metro 2033 on a single card in silly resolution and settings.
Just stook my head in the case again it really does sound like its coming from the card and not the power supply, But it still is the power supply?

As for corsair what would i say to them? The PSU is about 1 year 4 months old got it from over clockers as part of my PC. Or would i need to talk to overclockers?

Thanks for the help.
(That's not a 680 its a 570) Just pointing it out :) 570 is good enough for me and will be for years i only play MMO's really not new blockbuster titles.

Ill send OCUK a message today then see what they say.
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