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The noise does not come from the capacitors. It never has, and it never will. The capacitors used on the card are solid state BTW. IE they are not film wrapped but set in aluminium.

Here is the 680 PCB (well, a googled pic)


Look at the components R30. They are inductors. Then go and read this.


As power enters them they buzz and vibrate. However, they should be set in epoxy and you should NOT be able to hear it. The fact that you are points to shoddy components.

Either that or the card is very over volted and overclocked, pretty much to the limit and it is pulling hard on the inductors.

Does any one know what the stock volts are? I know it's not possible to change them, but I would be interested to see how much voltage the card uses.

Once we know that we can compare it to the 7970 PCB and see how many components there are on both cards.

Edit. Bugger, that's a custom PCB Powercolor use.

Edit again. OK, this is the stock PCB. Note on this there are only four inductors.


So if the card is heavily over volted and or clocked out of the box that would explain why they squeal like piggies.
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I see. Send it back mate. It should not be making that noise, nor should a 680. Sorry about that though, got mixed up with this thread and the other one :)

Np I appreciate the help ^^ Ill send over clockers a message today and put this thread in it so they can read what has been discussed. Easiest way i guess.
Hust tested it three times. The squealing doesn't come from the speakers, im 99% sure it's the PSU. Ran it each time and each time had my ear next to GPU then PSU then GPU and it was coming from the PSU. It lasted about 3 seconds which is the timeout of the Heaven 3.0 credits screen when you exit the application.... very strange indeed.

Well as long as I can't hear it from the speakers I'm OK right?
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