noisy power supply (xbox360)

11 Feb 2004
anyones power supply noisy?

mine sort of makes this background echo-ie alarm noise its weird.
cant really describe the tru noise.
its a bit like when you're pc makes a component expanding noise lol.

EDIT: its ventilated very well ....
movingtables said:
well its on my pc desk.
the amount of wires together is scary.
that would make the power supply sing you reckon ? lol

Yep, I'd say its a possibility if there is lots of electrical interference.
Just thought maybe interferance from a noisy cable. Personally my power cables are all (14 in all) in a huge knot which looks sililar to a coiled twin DNA strand :o Doesn't cause me any poblems but thought it might be the cause.

Reminds me of my parents monitor. When that died it went crazy and kind of screached. The interferance messed with my wireless router which then started letting out a kind of RRREEEEEEEEEE sound as if it was in pain :eek: :p
Can't hear mine either, but then its behind the telly, so I don't think I would over the game sounds :)

Don't fancy trying to listen out for it either - you know how it is, once you hear something, you always hear it. If I can't hear a problem, it isn't there :D
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