Non stick pans.. that last!

13 Jan 2010
Very disappointed with the set of pans from procook. They were ceramic ones but have lost thier non stick waaaay sooner than a super cheap set I got off Ebay before them from a company called Tower.
The set from pro cook are only a year and a half old.

They were quite expensive vs anything I've had before and have been worse than anything I've had before. I'm considering trying my luck at warranty. But looking in trust pilot seems like it won't fly.

Anyone have any long term successes?
Don't mind if they are expensive if they last!
Circulon infinite..

My previous set of Circulon lasted longer than I can remember and are pretty much bullet proof.
I’ve now bought the above set after buying the Ninja pan set which didn’t even last 6 months.
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For frying...I just go stainless steel or cast iron for meats.

There is a reason why professional kitchens uses stainless steel (or carbon steel for woks), they can take a beating and lasts. They are also non-stick if used correctly, since I can't imagine they want their food to stick either.

That said, I did get a £15 ceramic sauce pan from TK Maxx last month, for making pasta etc.
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Trouble with cast iron is some people just want to chuck the pans in the dishwasher after use and that doesn't fly with a seasoned iron pan.
I speak from having done it, but looked after correctly they’re great.
For frying...I just go stainless steel or cast iron for meats.

There is a reason why professional kitchens uses stainless steel (or carbon steel for woks), they can take a beating and lasts. They are also non-stick if used correctly, since I can't imagine they want their food to stick either.

That said, I did get a £15 ceramic sauce pan from TK Maxx last month, for making pasta etc.
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Trouble with cast iron is some people just want to chuck the pans in the dishwasher after use and that doesn't fly with a seasoned iron pan.
I speak from having done it, but looked after correctly they’re great.

That's what the stainless steel pan is for. If you can't be bothered to clean by hand, use the stainless one. I have all the types but no dishwasher. I kinda choose each one depending more on what I am cooking, than how I am cleaning it.
Fair point, but for me I just lob the lot into the dishwasher and enjoy the meal rather than washing anything up.
I am however very lazy like that, hence the circulon.
Surely a dishwasher is also going to accelerate the breakdown of non stick coatings?

I thought non stick pans were now widely seen as a bad thing due to the fact that they never last, and you're leeching some potentially really bad stuff into your food. I don't think I'll ever buy one again.
Are people basing their experiences of Circulon on recent purchases or old ones? I have a set of Circulon pans from 10 years ago and they're still OK, bought 2 more sets last year and these are already in the same state as the 10 year old ones. Has the quality gone down or am I unlucky with the latest purchases? I don't dishwash them nor wash while hot, etc.
I just get Tefal. Never had the non-stick fail as long as I don't scratch it. I hand wash pans.
The problem I've had with cheaper pans is the handles coming loose, but you can spend more to get riveted handles, which is worth it imo.

I tried stainless steel based on comments like the ones in this thread, followed tips for making it non-stick, but everything stuck, waste of money.
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I do not try to make a seasoned coating on stainless. Seasoned surface only are on Carbon Steel and Cast Iron.

Stainless steel I clean it with metal scourers. The way to make it non-stick when in use is simply do the following.

1 - Heat it hot with nothing on it, it will open up the pores in the metal
2 - Add oil then lower the heat

As the pores closes due to the temperature dropping, it makes the non-stick layer. Now you are ready to cook. Even an egg won't stick.
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We knocked non stick coatings into the long grass about 5 years ago and went with pro stainless steel all round for a big initial outlay but the gear is top notch and looks like new all these years later. Id recommend doing that.
I've had a ProCook anodized sauté pan for 15+ years. Not quite as good as new, but still going strong.
Are people basing their experiences of Circulon on recent purchases or old ones? I have a set of Circulon pans from 10 years ago and they're still OK, bought 2 more sets last year and these are already in the same state as the 10 year old ones. Has the quality gone down or am I unlucky with the latest purchases? I don't dishwash them nor wash while hot, etc.
I’m on my 2nd set and they’re perfect.
The only reason I bought new ones is the bases had so much burnt on crud and I’d just bought a new halogen hob and I didn’t want to scratch it.
Otherwise they’d still be going strong.
Maybe the cheaper Circulon pan sets are not as good?
The circulon ones have been quite hit and miss for me, especially with their 'total food release system' or whatever the hell it's called where the cooking surface is effectively ribbed. On the plus side they have been extremely good with warranties, I've had 4 pans over the years where the non-stick coating has started coming away and reaching out to their customer support they are quite happy to send you a replacement free of charge with said replacement being a different, 'non-ribbed' version.
I bought an always pan about a year ago and it’s been hands down the best I’ve ever owned.

It’s been used nearly every day since and still looks brand new.

I’ve played my part by only ever hand washing it and using silicon spatulas and such like.

Whist is expensive for a pan it’s also really good value because I’d imagine it’s going to last years.

I think I can even give a referral code for a discount if anyone is interested.
As @Raymond Lin says.

Just get a stainless steel pan, or cast iron, or ideally both as they are good for different things.

I personally didn't get on with carbon steel I don't think they are very good on induction, but if you got gas then absolutely.

Cast iron is as good as carbon steel anyway, just weighs a ton, but if you are not frail then it's fine.

Non stick pans are awful, and bad for the environment and our economy, an invention we never needed.
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