North Korea

3 Feb 2010
Behind you
So it seems things are heating up over North Korea...

USA has sent a carrier, assault drones and special forces to South Korea over the past few days..

And is now publicly stating that Military Action against the nation is "on the table"

From my point of view, North Korea are extremely dangerous and "peacefull diplomacy" has failed, and will continue to fail.

However trying to convince people that this won't turn in to another Vietnam/Lybia/Syria/Iraq is nigh on impossible.
A nation that has a crazy leader with threats that are all words, fixing the media, not listening to the rest of the world, poor relations with their southern neighbour, threatening military action at the drop of a hat and for some bizarre reason their people love him... I'm glad NK has nuclear missiles to deter current action from an unstable America.

They are continuously testing ICBM's and firing them into foreign waters.. How is this not unstable?

America isn't as bad as people make it out to be, as far as countries go.. There aren't many that have a better quality of life, at least in some areas.

Like we dealt with Saddam and Iraq?

I can understand why the Republic of Korea is constantly spooked by North Korea but the country is of no threat to the west. Even if NK did have a functional nuclear warhead, they have no way of delivering it reliably.

One of Trump's top advisors, Steve Bannon, wants to start WWW3. This looks like a good way for him to start it the people around him aren't careful.
It has been made clear that North Korea have the ability to transport a nuclear armed device to any location on the planet if it wanted to.. They don't have the resources to create hundreds of warheads.. but a few, most definitely.
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As far as I'm aware, their missile tests have all been miserable failures. Has that changed recently?
You don't need to strap a nuke to a missile to detonate it, It can be transported and delivered anywhere through conventional means.
You think America has 10 carrier groups,
You think China has 2.8 million soldiers active/reserve for nothing? Plus all the civilians they could easily arm with a war economy where hundreds of millions of people could be making arms?

The US would not be able to get a foothold and the Chinese could win the attrition war easily, the war wouldn't even get this far though as the Chinese would simply launch their ICBMs along with Russia and it won't matter.

The US has that because its grossly inefficient and boondoggling all the way to the bank to satisfy the stupidity that is the average senator.

You would be supprised at how poorly China could defend itself against a USA/ally lead invasion.
Times change, operations can barely happen over horizons now because of Radar systems being much better, we're close to mass accelerators being mass producible (slow targets are dead) and laser systems (small objects defence) are now kinda mature.

The old ways aren't good enough now, those bulky *** carriers are pointless.

And FYI carriers don't travel alone.. They are guarded by multiple perimeters of frigates/destroyers/battleships/recon ships/submarines/scrambler jets/recon planes and more..

If you think a country just sends a carrier in the hope it isn't sunk you have a serious misunderstanding of how naval war is fought.
How is firing ICBM's armed or not in to the Japanese sea not classed as threatening? Whilst saying they are trying to perfect its ICBM technology to hit the USA?

Also the USA have had thousands of troops and envoys living in SK for years..
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I wholeheartedly believe that he thinks he could win a war VS anyone.. And i'm damn sure his people believe it too, afterall how can you disagree with the great leader! especially after all the propaganda about Americans all being drug addicts living in camps
We live in a world in which wars wouldn't be fought with huge ground invasions.. NK and the regime would be taken down by specialist teams if anything. no one will be conscripted to go to war with them..
You have to ask yourself how long the people of NK would stay loyal and willing to die for their "great leader" when american planes fly over dropping millions of propaganda leaflets showing how the rest of the world live.
Seems like an apt time to re-ignite the thread..

What do we think will be the steps taken from here on out? I would much rather a joint Chinese/Russian response rather than a US led one given the current climate.
Just nuke em and be done with it, we know the Pentagon are desperate to flatten Pyongyang, it's tiresome having round the clock news on something that just needs to be sorted out once and for all.


Whilst you arent entirely serious ;P

It may be an idea to surprise flatten the centre of governance in one swoop, including the great leader.. along with a Chinese invasion to prevent retaliation.
My concern is that despite Kim Jong-un having some degree of Western exposure and education and possibly some at the top having wider experience of the outside world than they'd admit in general the country has more of the pre-WW2/WW2 era use of nukes (and other weapons of mass destruction) perspective than the rest of the world which has largely developed in outlook from that point and hence they might be more likely to actually use the weapons than any other country in the world.

There weren't any nukes pre-ww2 and during/after ww2 for many years countries only had atomic bombs, North korea claim to have Thermonuclear bombs (hydrogen) considerably more powerful than atom.
If Kim was toppled there will be plenty ready to pose a coup and sue for peace... The majority of the population hate the regime, so no.. America wouldn't have to take out 4m troops.

Also China would intervene before America, primarily due to the idea that China REFUSE to have another american outpost on their backdoor "cough *Taiwan*"
Even just 5 years ago China with US support would have put an end to NK with minimal issues. But with the media in both the west are seeing conspiracies everywhere because people are moving to the right of politics which makes governments scared to get on with each other

From my experience, i see far more left-wing conspiracy theorists than right wing.. like astonishingly more.
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