northbridge hotter than CPU & NB fan going mad!

22 Apr 2003
Button Moon
Since I installed SLi, my northbridge fan has been spinning at full speed making a lot of noise, on inspecting the temps I found that the Northbridge is running at 60 degrees C.

I removed the video cards and had a look around and noticed that one of the cards virtually sits on the NB fan and installing the card causes the NB fan to move around a lot. On inspecting the NB fan it seems very loose - i can twist it slightly left to right and it rocks up and down on the chip.

I did think about taking it off and applying normal Arctic Silver thermal paste (not the glue stuff) but how do you get the NB fan off ??

Any suggestions ?

They are normally secured via two white plastic pins. Just take board out of case and squeeze the barbs together on the other side of the board. This will allow it to come away from the board. I use a zalman on mine with a x800 passive. That use to get to 40 so i put a 80mm blowing onto it. I now have an x850xt with a vf700cu and thats keeping it much cooler as vga cooler blows through zalman as well
ok thanks, is the normal non glue stuff ok ? because the NB heatsink/fan seems very loose.

I cant fit any larger heatsinks on the NB instead because there isnt room under the video card.
This is the first thing I do with any new motherboard and thats to whip off the northbridge heatsink and get some proper goop on the chip

I just fitted an asrock board and the heatsink had hardly any goop there at all, infact I was surprised they even bothered to put some on as normally its a rubbish pad or none at all lol
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