Hi guys need your help, im building my first pc from scratch, i have change parts before almost every part.
The system isnt posting at all, It has power to the board because the light is on and the cpu and case fans start and spin continually. Ive tried taking out the ram to no avail, also ive tried each card separately.
Im using the onboard GPU but do have a Graphics card, the motherboard and cpu were of a fellow overclockers friend who had overcloaked it but ive wiped the over clock with the jumper settings on the board which seems to have made a difference to fan speeds.
The system isnt posting at all, It has power to the board because the light is on and the cpu and case fans start and spin continually. Ive tried taking out the ram to no avail, also ive tried each card separately.
Im using the onboard GPU but do have a Graphics card, the motherboard and cpu were of a fellow overclockers friend who had overcloaked it but ive wiped the over clock with the jumper settings on the board which seems to have made a difference to fan speeds.