Not Posting Help

26 Mar 2009
Hi guys need your help, im building my first pc from scratch, i have change parts before almost every part.

The system isnt posting at all, It has power to the board because the light is on and the cpu and case fans start and spin continually. Ive tried taking out the ram to no avail, also ive tried each card separately.
Im using the onboard GPU but do have a Graphics card, the motherboard and cpu were of a fellow overclockers friend who had overcloaked it but ive wiped the over clock with the jumper settings on the board which seems to have made a difference to fan speeds.
Have you made sure you've connected all the power cables?

There will be a 20/24 pin connector on the motherboard, usually on the right hand side, and a 4/8 pin connector usually near the processor.

When you install the graphics card that may need a power connector as well.

Did you fit the brass motherboard standoffs to the case before fitting the motherboard?

If you want to know exactly what goes where then post the make and model of the motherboard.

A list of the other components would help as well.
Ive plugged both power cables in only places i can plug them in

Motherboard is an ASUS P5KPL-Am
Cpu is E6300
GPU is onboard but have a 8600gt to install
PSU is 550w cannot remember make ill have a look if needs be
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