Notepad++ replacement for mac

24 Aug 2009
I love Notepad++ on windows, but I can't find anything that fits the same niche it filled on Mac. I know you can do some wine hax to get it running, but I want a real mac supported program any ideas?
I use Visual Studio Code, as do most developers I work with who use macOS.
While I love VS Code when I am coding, I find that for the reasons I used notepad++; it's too much as by the time I've opened VS Code and all my 70 million plugins have loaded, I could have already finished what I would have done on Notepad++.
I think that’s the sort of thing TextMate does as well.

I'll give it a look-see.
Another vote for vscode here

Are there any specific notepad++ features you need?
The main uses I had for Notepad++ were either:
  1. A scratch pad for me to dump things into as I worked on whatever
  2. I had received a JSON/XML/YAML etc. and I needed to do the following against
    1. evaluate
    2. validate
    3. edit
    4. create
    5. view like this
  3. receive log files from exceptions/etc. and go through them, being able to tag/mark suspect sections and review those later
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yeah i guess vscode prob is good for that but isn't as lightweight.. I don't really notice it starting up mind.

I've used textmate also in the past and its a capable text editor.

a colleague of mine swears by sublime text too if you haven't tried it.
oh I love sublime <3
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