Looking for a bit of advice here around notice periods.
I've been in my current position for 3 years (senior data warehouse developer) and yesterday I accepted a job offer somewhere else. The only snag is that my notice period is a whopping 3 months. I was aware of this when I joined the organisation, but I was so happy to be there that I didn't really think about the impact down the line of accepting such a long notice period. My new employer is disappointed that they aren't going to have me starting for at least 3 months (reference checks, etc) and I'm keen to try and get the notice period reduced if possible.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can approach this subject with my current employer? For someone at my level, 3 months seems stupidly long. Some of my friends are product managers for big European companies and have shorter notice periods! That said, I signed up for it and am of course willing to honour it (I don't want to burn bridges) but any advice on how to get out of it would be great!
I've been in my current position for 3 years (senior data warehouse developer) and yesterday I accepted a job offer somewhere else. The only snag is that my notice period is a whopping 3 months. I was aware of this when I joined the organisation, but I was so happy to be there that I didn't really think about the impact down the line of accepting such a long notice period. My new employer is disappointed that they aren't going to have me starting for at least 3 months (reference checks, etc) and I'm keen to try and get the notice period reduced if possible.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can approach this subject with my current employer? For someone at my level, 3 months seems stupidly long. Some of my friends are product managers for big European companies and have shorter notice periods! That said, I signed up for it and am of course willing to honour it (I don't want to burn bridges) but any advice on how to get out of it would be great!