now MMORPG have taken off?

Inquisitor said:
The biggest problem though, is that players value their autonomy and independance in games.

Well possibly, but way back in the day before i had ever played online games i like many others i guess thought the best thing about online gaming would be the possibility of team work in games with other human players who may like video games as much as i did. Seems like a shame to me that most just behave in a very anti social way. regarding mmorpg's i never play them myself but all i hear is complaints about them! No sense that actually having them to use and play is pretty exceptional.
Zip said:
Im still waiting for an MMORPG Thats set in the medievil era and doesnt have bloody magic and spells and other BS in it :rolleyes:

In other words, A realistic one

What? Trudging through waist deep mud for two weeks to fight a battle that if you're lucky starts in a few day's time when the entire army as been marshalled? Only to found, after the two week return journey, that your wife has died from Ergotism due to the bad harvest that year. ;)
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