So i did a VR Rift demo in a local store, and was wow, gotta get this ! Except its expensive !
The small amount of research has led me to buy a Rift..... But really mostly cos its supposed to be more comfortable that's what they had on demo. i've not looked into the PS4 VR, even tho i have a couple of PS4's in the house, one move controller and a ps4 eye.
My gaming rig is a 980gtx so i'm half way there PC wise. But i don't want to buy it today only to find out so much better is coming out down the road... Not that i think i can wait ! But you know what i mean.
The small amount of research has led me to buy a Rift..... But really mostly cos its supposed to be more comfortable that's what they had on demo. i've not looked into the PS4 VR, even tho i have a couple of PS4's in the house, one move controller and a ps4 eye.
My gaming rig is a 980gtx so i'm half way there PC wise. But i don't want to buy it today only to find out so much better is coming out down the road... Not that i think i can wait ! But you know what i mean.