I normally just say "hey peasants". It's gender neutral and doesn't cause offence.
Wazzup peons?
I normally just say "hey peasants". It's gender neutral and doesn't cause offence.
Hands up who cares
"Progressive": 'Dictionary definitions are worthless. Language evolves, you know!'
"Progressive": *Produces video going to ridiculous lengths into the etymological history of a word to discredit it despite current common parlance being gender neutral.*
So that means... it's a day ending in Y.
Hands up who cares
. The singer added: "I've been very nervous about announcing this because I care too much about what people think."
BBC News - Sam Smith changes pronouns to they/them
Doubt it, I think it's a word that will fade into history and won't mean much. We're all leavers now...*worthy thread redemption ? - heyguysbrexiteers*
For vocabulary choice, when will the word brexiteer enter websters dictionary , as a term of personal derision, and, take over the crown, from other words, like numpty, spanner, tool ?
it works at work, and, I posted yesterday using br***** , which seemed appropriate, ... all too raw ?
What if I don't care even enough to put my hands up?
She can't help it, it's over...snip