NP: The now playing thread

Originally posted by Seraphim
I am currently listening to the music from the advert for DeAgostini's fine publication I Love Horses. Who can resist it's catchy chorus with the classic lines:

I love horses,
Best of all the animals,
I love horses,
They're my friends!

Current estimation of time until insanity - 5 minutes.

ahahaha, we played that full volume in Science the other day :p Everyone clicked on the link at the same time and so we had like 30 PCs all playing it :P
Why are The Bloodhound Gang so underrated? Everyone just listened to "The Ballad of Chaisy Lain" and "The Bad Touch" and though they were one (two :p) hit wonders or something. The lyrics and music are great, especially on their earlier releases, I love them :D

The Bloodhound Gang - A Lapdance is so Much Better When the Stripper is Crying
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