Ntfs.sys Problem....

19 Oct 2002
Just built a new pc and everything seems to be working fine until I try and install windows. First time it just hung, since then ever after a full re-format etc it gives me the ntfs.sys blue screen error. This happens when I am installing windows and your actually in the main screen where it gives u time left etc. Happens early in tho, nearly as soon as I would expect it to access the drive. Any ideas what to do?

Monster said:
Just built a new pc and everything seems to be working fine until I try and install windows. First time it just hung, since then ever after a full re-format etc it gives me the ntfs.sys blue screen error. This happens when I am installing windows and your actually in the main screen where it gives u time left etc. Happens early in tho, nearly as soon as I would expect it to access the drive. Any ideas what to do?

If it is an Asus mobo then this may well be related to not having the optical drives plugged into the Blue IDE connector. Otherwise try the Ram 1 stick @ a time. I had this error on a recent XP install and the cause was 1 faulty Ram stick but I know that recent Asus mobos also give this error out if you do not have the optical drives plugged into the Blue Ide port. Another possibility is that you need a floppy disc with the SCSI/SATA/RAID controller drivers on and have to hit F6 when it asks on setup for additional devices etc etc.
Well i have the drives on SATA on a DFI board so should be no problems there. Also I have installed all drivers from the floppy disc etc. The ram I would think is fine if the fault is always at the same place but will try with one stick etc.
Monster said:
Well i have the drives on SATA on a DFI board so should be no problems there. Also I have installed all drivers from the floppy disc etc. The ram I would think is fine if the fault is always at the same place but will try with one stick etc.
Sound like it must be a HD related problem with XP not being able to find the drive after a certain setup stage as ntfs.sys is obviously related to the OS file system. Try build the PC with just 1 drive installed. Another option is to check that your HDs have the correct jumpers settings on the back. If both are set to master & or slave then that could prevent XP from knowing which is which. Also check your Bios and make sure your main HD is the 1st boot device & bootable (should be set as the active partition & have a clean working mbr).
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