NTFS to exFAT?

12 Sep 2010
Melton Mowbray
Hi all,

I just bought a second-hand 300GB external HDD. It arrived yesterday and I formatted it - after I formatted it, it became unrecognised so I have now re-formatted it to exFAT instead and it seems to have worked :)

I just wondered if it'll cause me a problem down the line? I am using Windows 10 O/S.



EDIT: Fat32 to exFAT :rolleyes:
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NTFS is less lily to suffer from defragmentation better security why wpd you want to use fat32 unless usb stick where decide so want support ext3/4 or ntfs

Sorry I meant exFAT, I have edited my OP. When I first plugged it in, it told me I needed to format it in order to use it and the option came up as NTFS so I formatted it to that but then when I went to use it said it was unrecognised so I did a bit of research and saw a post suggesting I re-format it to exFAT so I did and it worked but now I'm worried something will go wrong. I would format it back to NTFS but tried and my laptop simply won't accept it
If you are using it in a USB3 port try a USB2 one if you have or vice versa - some drives don't like certain USB controllers.
Fire up a command prompt as administrator, then:


list disk

select disk x (where 'x' is the number of the USB drive - be VERY careful, diskpart takes no prisoners)


create partition primary

select partition 1


format fs=ntfs quick


If this doesn't work, I'd be inclined to suspect a fault with the drive - you could download HDSentinel which works in trial mode for up to 30 days and can usually read the SMART data of most USB drives, and see if it reports anything untoward.
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