NTL speed / usage increases - June 1

I so wish NTL start making a profit and extend the netowork 20 metres to my house :)

They way they are going I think they will - 10mbit unlimited (FUP of course) with the possibility of faster at the flick of a switch, compared to ADSL lines which judging by recent posts @ adsl guide, are unstable on the whole, have much more congestion (8mbit lines running @ 0.5mbit speeds for example), NTL really does seem the much better option.
Posting here rather than creating a new thread.
Some news servers allow connections over ports other than 119, the standard news port. If downloading over port 23 or 80, for example, would this still be detected and therefore shaped? ie. does traffic shaping detect the type of traffic and not just the port?
5tephen said:
Posting here rather than creating a new thread.
Some news servers allow connections over ports other than 119, the standard news port. If downloading over port 23 or 80, for example, would this still be detected and therefore shaped? ie. does traffic shaping detect the type of traffic and not just the port?

If it is implemented with real kit then yes it does - it actually analyses the packets to determine what type they are. Some ISPs might use cheaper kit which does just shape on port, but if they do it properly then you're screwed no matter what port it's on.

Back when I was on Plusnet I was getting 5KB/sec from Giganews on port 119. I changed to port 80, 23 and a few others that they allow and I was still getting 5KB/sec.
Phemo said:
Thankfully I've got both ADSL and cable so at least I can get a pretty reasonable service out of two crippled services combined ;)

sorry to be OT but I've just got Cable 10mb installed and still have BT broadband as well do you use a router to connect the two lines if so which one? I was looking at a Linksys that can support two connections as a possible solution to "stitch" the two lines together?
I haven't done that, although it would be pretty cool to do. The kit to do it isn't exactly cheap but there are software methods. I'm not sure about it so hopefully someone else will be able to give some suggestions as it's something I'd be interested in doing too.

I just have two routers, one pc pretty much dedicated to using each connection. Some form of software load balancing method would be good to play with though.
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