Nude in public

Phantom said:
he gets arrested and told to get some clothes on yet his parter in crime (a female i might add) goes scott free (no pun intended :p) and shes allowed to get her boobles gangle free in the breeze

Quite right ;)
I wouldnt like to go shopping and some naked guy behind me is lining up....or in front of me. Thats just plain nasty tbh.
zain said:
I wouldnt like to go shopping and some naked guy behind me is lining up....or in front of me. Thats just plain nasty tbh.

But if we hadn't been brought up to think that way then you would think of it as normal and wouldn't bat an eyelid - as happens now in some parts of the world. A lot of the time we wear clothes not because we need to but because of modesty - either our own or other people's.
could get interesting in rush hour on the underground?

"is that a pipe in your pocket, oh wait you have no pockets"
Will...not...just add... to the view stats... must post and show that I was Perving too ;)

It's sad because it's true.
If we did all walk around naked we wouldnt be able to use the "sorry thats was just my fingure" excuse in a lift when a nice looking girl stands in front would we now;)
Nudism is outlawed due to all the big fat female American-wannabees, I imagine men would quickly turn bent having seen them in the nuddy constantly. :D
firsty, would you use the salad bar after a blessed naked man? ^_^

Seriously tho, I suppose it is about nakedness=sexualised, so live with it? A lot of societies rules (could argue to one extent all) exist because thats what society says they are. But it seems common amongst most cultures, even most primative (for want of a better word, u don't have the wheel u can be called primative - another argument another time lol) and tribel societies have cloth willy flaps of some kind, it seems as a species we've been covering up for quite a while
I don't really think of naked as something sexual. I think of other people naked as disgusting, ugly and something I really don't want to see :p.
The main problem with nudity and the whole naturist's movement in general is that the kind of people who practice it are usually 60+ overweight, hairy and ugly.
ben_j_davis said:
The main problem with nudity and the whole naturist's movement in general is that the kind of people who practice it are usually 60+ overweight, hairy and ugly.

no im

*runs away, shlong flapping in the breeze*

hehehehehehe got no problem with nudity.... but then i dont want to walk home from work nekid either :)

society as a whole is waaay to old fashioned and grumpy in my opinion
I'd rather people kept their clothes on. I'd rather not see his todger swinging in the wind thanks.
I've never had a problem with nudism as both my parents were nudists when I was growing up. They taught me to be proud of my body and not to hide it away.

It freaks my GF out that I sometimes forget to put some clothes on before answering the front door. It gives the old Jehova's Witnesses a bit of a fright I can tell you.
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