Numbers formula

31 Jan 2007

Basically I need to get a count of some items but in a specific way and was wondering if a spreadsheet guru would be able to advise me how to go about it.

Basically I have a list of items in A, it's house in B and it's location 1, 2, 3 and 4 in C, D, E and F.

Locations are split up into 3/4 parts so eg:

Item 1 | House 1 | Blackpool | Lancashire | United Kingdom

I am trying to count the house but:

- 1 House can have multiple items


- Houses can have the same name but will have different locations 1, 2, 3 and 4.

So basically I need to count the distinctly unique house names but if a duplicate house name exists then fallback to check the 4 locations. If the locations are identical then skip to the next house otherwise add to the count.

Anyone able to help me solve this?

Sounds like the easiest way would be to set column G to concatenate columns B-F and then count the unique values in that column. I guess what you ultimately are after is the number of unique houses?

Put this in row 2 of column G and copy it as far down as your data goes


Then somewhere else enter this, replacing G6 with the last cell you copied the formula above into:


Should do the trick :)
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