
2 Jul 2005
hello guys do you believe in numerology? you can take the test and find out the meaning of your life. i was actually shocked to find out a lot of accurate info about myself

type your birthday on this website to get your lifepath number then go to second website to read the information

post back here about your findings if true or false
So there are only 9 paths my life might take? very depressing :( do i get 11 or 22? seems to be stuck between 1 and 9 on the 'easy' calculator/random number generator..
It's called cold reading... just give generic information and people will fit the details of their life around what you've told them.
Numbers are a human construct, we've been living since before we had numbers. It's ridiculous and as daz says, the gullible and those who want/need to believe will make their life fit around the 'predictions'.
I don't believe in numerology. But I must admit it is weird how I type in my date of birth and I get 7... and I type in my full name and I also get 7. Weird!

7 = thought/consciousness (which I would agree with)
Got to admit, the number it gave me (6 - for both my birthday, and my name) did fit me very well, but I find it hard to believe that a single letter difference in my name would make me a very different person. Plus the information is quite general, so I'm sure most people could match most of those "life paths".
your name is no accident according to numerology. look here for the meaning of your name

i believe there is a fixed order in cosmos and that we are part of the far bigger picture. we are all born with certain traits which makes us different. its all gift to use from the higher divine power hence why some people are singers, some writers, some this and some that. if everyone was the same imagine what the world would look like
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your name is no accident according to numerology. look here for the meaning of your name

i believe there is a fixed order in cosmos and that we are part of the far bigger picture. we are all born with certain traits which makes us different. its all gift to use from the higher divine power hence why some people are singers, some writers, some this and some that. if everyone was the same imagine what the world would look like

That site is a load of pants to be honest. It let me type in my name and then gave me massively complimentary feedback about how I am a confident person and am a business leader, etc. Then when I put in another name it insisted I would have to provide a friends email address to proceed. It seems to simply be farming for email addresses.

** note: I was ****ed at the time and so any opinion I have may be wrong :D
This aint true, I have the least amount of musical talent you could imagine. Maybe I ain't found it yet but I've tried my hand at a fair few instruments and failed. Meh.

You are blessed with musical talent, as well as talent in the visual and performing arts. However, your creativity may be suppressed due to your willingness to sacrifice or your inability to fully appreciate your talents. This is not to say that you cannot excel in these areas, on the contrary, you have the talent, and with effort you can make success in a number of artistic fields.
your name is no accident according to numerology. look here for the meaning of your name

i believe there is a fixed order in cosmos and that we are part of the far bigger picture. we are all born with certain traits which makes us different. its all gift to use from the higher divine power hence why some people are singers, some writers, some this and some that. if everyone was the same imagine what the world would look like

Discover the hidden meaning in your name


Good fortune seems to smile on you with worldly success and emotional contentment coming to you in abundance. This is not luck but a result of applying your intelligence, will and organised approach to productive purposes. You are a natural leader accepting positions of authority with wisdom and sensitivity. With your inspiring character and generosity to others you attract many friends.
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Thank the lord for that!

With that name he needs the luck

and using the hidemyass proxy to avoid the fact the website is purely a email collector for the gullible

Discover the hidden meaning in your name


You are an inspirational individual and seem to lead a charmed existence. Material success is no more than your versatility, optimism and courage deserve. You are creative and resourceful and can develop your ideas into tangible form which brings you great satisfaction. You attract friends, love and happiness in abundance because of your warm and enthusiastic nature. Life is much better with you around.
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Thought this weas a lolable one

Discover the hidden meaning in your name

Adolf Hitler

Charming, poised and sociable you need peace and harmony around you and always seek to create a happy environment. Perceptive and with strong intuition you are able to make sound judgements. You show great flexibility in attitude being open and responsive to the needs and opinions of others. This ability gives you potential for success in business dealing with the public. Your warm personality and caring ways ensure you are loved by family and friends.
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Oh and just to prove it picks the reports at random from a list.

Discover the hidden meaning in your name


Having great personal charisma you attract many admirers and are usually surrounded by friends and loved ones. You are very much a people person enjoying conversation and much social activity. A natural leader and gifted in communication you may be drawn toward the fields of writing, speaking or public life. You are a person who needs freedom to move and a constructive outlet for your creative ideas.
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It's just like all the other thing Horoscopes, Scientology, astrology etc, it compliments idiots so they will give them something in return (money, email addresses, personal information or possessions which can be sold later on)
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although to be fair

Discover the hidden meaning in your name


You are a deep thinker and student of life using your intuition and natural detective ability to seek truth and hidden knowledge.

Discover the hidden meaning in your name


You are doomed to live an unhappy and unfulfiled existence. You will be largely ignored and hated by people that you do not even know or have any contact with. You are a person whose needs are not important nor recognised. You are unable to be loved and others struggle to connect with you.

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