nVidia 3d

8 May 2013
Hi guys, I'm currently looking for a new monitor and I have seen a few with nVidia 3d v2 and I was wondering if it is really worth the extra 120 or so to buy it.

Does any one else have this and whats it like?
Its a gimmick, but a fun gimmick.

For games like civ 5, tomb raider and trine, it's beautiful to play games in 3D.

For precision games like FPSs or driving games, i wouldn't recommend anyone to use it and expect a happy experience.
As above, try it.

I had the v1 glasses for a few months with the ASUS 24" panel (VG236H).

I disagree completely with the first comment. First person games are one of the best to play this with. Quite obvious really considering the perspective? Outlast is brilliant with it apparently. I played through Battlefield 3's campaign with it and the immersion it brings is amazing. Same goes for practically ever genre if the game is supported.

One thing I noticed with the V1 goggles and earlier panels is ghosting. I'm not sure if they've fixed this, but it is an issue. Especially on light surfaces it can be distracting. It helps to use more depth (by just flicking the slider on the receiver) as this then distances the two images from one another, making it less obvious. I'm probably making it sound worse than it is in all honesty.

Most importantly though, and this is probably a deal breaker for a lot of people: It's not great for multiplayer games. You might be able to adjust but quite honestly I found it really distracting. Especially if you're quite competitive.

On the whole though I found it to be pretty impressive and would recommend you at least try it. A lot of people seem to be very quick to post up and say it's a gimmick, but I'd question how many people have tried Nvidia 3D Vision, and aren't just basing their opinion on the 3D industry as a whole. It definitely does bring a new level of immersion to gaming, which is something that has been lacking in recent years.

Try it and see for yourself...
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