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Nvidia 6150 benchmarks

17 Mar 2006
My 6150 Nvidia IGP 3dmark 03. Everything in BIOS set to standard, except for video frame buffer (changed to 128MB) Not bothered gonna be used as a HTPC. My other machine gets 17000 amazing such a difference!


Half-Life 2 framerate is ok at 800x600, medium detail/models.
17k in 3dmark03 is impressive, I get about 6k and do ok in most games.

In theory your graphics are a later generation then my 9800pro however they are an integrated onboard graphics chipset I believe and very much scaled down and restricted in their power.

Did you get this in the latest ocuk sale, I was pretty tempted by one I saw like this but was unsure how suitable for games it really was.

I cant run 3dmark06 but you should try it, I think it would get single figures :D
Heh, that's about 10% faster than my ATI onboard. For comparison:

ATI x200 IGP w/128MB
Venice 3200
1GB single channel ( :( ) DDR
1348 in 3DMark 2003
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