Pcars2 is glorious in vr, worked awsome in my cv1 but game started not regeresting my csl elite so cant play it anymore.
Acc in vr is horrible, will upgrade vr when I've got more gpu horsepower.
Reverb a big jump in clarity?
Reverb is a huge jump in clarity. I have also tried a Rift S and it was only a tiny bit better than the CV1 visually. WMR software needed to run the Reverb is a bit sketchy though. I am still trying to fix an issue where I take the headset off, go to my desk and, if the sim is still running, lose control of my mouse at the desk. Ctrl+alt+del/end task (kill PC2) brings control back, but then I have to restart the sim.
I agree that ACC is bad for VR. The interface is crap and the AA they use makes stuff crazy blurry, so I have to choose between Minecraft -jaggy or half-drunk blurry.
I just upgraded from the old CSL Elite to the new CSL Elite because after 2k hrs, the old base had some letteral play on the steering axis....they both work in PC2 for me and PC2's code hasn't changed in a long time. Your issue should be fixable. (cable, driver etc)
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