Ah right, so I didn't say they are garbage, that's something you just fabricated. Im guessing you recommended a low tier psu for a high end build, scoured Google for some outlier comment where someone's mates, cousins, roommates friend ran one with quad 2080s for a week... you know, the usual schtick.
Calling out your terrible advice you feel should be a ban offense? I think misinformation and terrible advice using obscure 1 off Google finds as if to prove a point is actually worse. You're pretty toxic to this forum, but I won't say I want to see you banned, I actually find it fascinating that someone can be corrected and proven incorrect with such regularity and keep continuing to spout complete and utter nonsense with such conviction and confidence.
He quoted me from a post in another thread, in which he recommended a Konlink 700W classic power bronze:
He also recommended a mobo with poor VRM's compared to similarly priced options.
Not sure why he's quoting me then responding to you, but oh well.
I would be wary of running an office PC on one of those Kolink PSU's, and I'll stand by what I said about them. Even the their higher tier units have average performance at best, and all of them have ridiculously short warranties.