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NVIDIA Driver Issue 94.24

24 Mar 2006
Yesterday I downloaded the NVIDIA 94.24 Drivers for my 7800GT.

I uninstalled the old ones (93.71) and installed the newer set. However, it said the 7800GTs might not be compatible with XP. Do I wish to continue? So i clicked yes and the installation was completed.

I don't understand this message i got because they ofcorse are compatible.

Upon restart i got the New Hardware Wizard popping up. I just clicked cancel. Now the drivers seem to be installed properly and the version is correct when i go Right Click Desktop >> Properties >> Settings >> Advanced >> Nvidia 7800GT blah blah.

Every time i restart my PC i get the Found New Hardware Message and its bugging me.

I reverted back to the old drivers and the same happens.

Any ideas?? Thanks
24 Mar 2006
Any ideas on the best ones to download? On the Nvidia site the official ones are 94.something, but on here there is version 162.18.



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
bledd. said:
from what i've read, you're wrong..

the guys on guru3d say otherwise, on the forums they're super picky when it comes to quality + performance,

I don't care what Anyone else says or writes as i speak from Actual experience & in my Actual experience the 93.71's for the 78/79 series cards are the best.



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
bledd. said:
jumped from 9x.xx to 16x.xx myself on a 7900gt, running sweet :)

If i knew what number x.xx meant i may be able to comment. Also it does depend on what you actually do with your system as in what games you play etc.
All i am saying is i haven't read nothing & tested them myself & for stability & "My" gaming compatibility no other drivers have even come close to the 93.71's & I've tried every version they have released even the betas they release & pull an hour later.
Even on 05 & 06 the 71's get the best score. With later drivers i get better results in some areas but suffer instability or clashes with certain games & suffer a knock in benchmarks.
I stand by what i wrote earlier the 93.71's are the best driver for the 78/79 series cards.
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