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Nvidia drivers fries your card

8 Dec 2005
You do know what a fanboy is don't you? :p
As you've just described the exact opposite of a fanboy there. :confused:

Anyway if the GTX480 is much better than a 5870 and especially the 5970 then it's a Tri-Win situation.
Nvidia fanboy's win with a more powerfull card.
ATi fanboy's win with hopefully cheaper cards.
The rest of us get the best performance per £ regardless of the colour of the logo on the box. :cool:

I've been around here since 2001 & seen it all before m8 ;) Nvidia or ATI bring out a new fastest GPU & everyone (who wants the fastest GPU) jumps on the performance bandwagon. Some are diehard ATI or NV & nothing even hard evidence will ever sway them ;)

I prefer NV purely because ATI just do not put as much resource into drivers as NV do. Its been that way for almost a decade so unlikely to change as ATI do not see the value in spending money to help PC games development.

This current drivers issue only affects users who put their PC's into sleep mode & when it comes out of sleep mode the autofan setting does not work at all. That's it there is no great mystery to it. Obviously, some people will try & get a free GPU if they can so that's why you may read some :eek::eek: stories that my m8's cousin etc etc burnt his card.

Whoever makes the fastest GPU is pointless nowadays anyway as PC games are just ports & DX11 vs DX10/9 visually right now the difference is minimal. This will not change for another 2-3 years so the fastest GPU just means you can have max detail or if the game is poor it compensates for this shoddy coding!
8 Oct 2009
This current drivers issue only affects users who put their PC's into sleep mode & when it comes out of sleep mode the autofan setting does not work at all. That's it there is no great mystery to it.

Yes but it KILLS cards.
It's not like it just give's a buggy experience.

Also kinda think Ati's drivers have come on leaps and bounds and it's actually Nv that have broken drivers for nearly a year now.
Perhaps they have cut back on their driver development resources since the recession, or perhaps now they are spread too thin, who knows???

I'm guessing your one of the people that can't be swayed by hard evidence...
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20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
I agree with Rhys. After only recently going to ATI with the 5850, I had Nvidia cards for years before.

Right up to December, I was installing the latest drivers from Nvidia on my gtx260 and then rolling back to my 8 month old ones.

The reason? The new drivers either gave worst performance, introduced new bugs in games, broke things which were working fine etc.

There are many Nvidia card owners on here still running old drivers for exactly the same reasons.

IMO I think Nvidia's driver support has gone down hill big style in the last year and ATI's has improved vastly.
18 Oct 2002
I always do find it funny when people critise ATi drivers, both companies have mostly great drivers, most of the time anything you do can introduce a bug, and you can't always account for bugs in new games because generally seeing into the future is difficult.

Neither company are perfect but both are doing a great job, it sucks when you have a problem but 99.9% of users don't have them. Those that change the most often seem to have the most problems :o

A truly great performance driver comes around once in a blue moon, the majority of performance fixes are for ridiculous situations, one game in X mode when using uber setting you can go from 4fps to 12fps, but no one in their right mind is actually using those settings. Most people can happily use one driver set for a year without an issue without any need to upgrade. 10.3's and 10.4 look like they'll offer genuine performance boosts in a lot of situations for a lot of people, I can't say I've felt any improvement for months previously, nor any problems.

But people who pretend Nvidia don't have issues, is laughable. SLI didn't work in Dirt 2 on release, in Batman AA, Crysis and a couple other TWIMTBP titles. Crysis's release, an Nvidia title, had from recollection, about 10-12 beta's out in the week after release and I have no clue when a final "crysis" driver was released that made SLI worthwhile.

Again from recollection, AMD had a Crysis driver out by the games release, though I think its xfire sucked, that came at a later date.

I forget the game, I think it was one of the fairly poo run around a city and break stuff type games, that AMD's driver simply wouldn't run the game for almost anyone. That was a big screwup also.

Theres entirely no difference between the companies, I don't know why people can't realise just because THEY had no trouble with one company and a problem with the other, that doesn't somehow magically represent the experience for everyone in general.

I have to say I far more often than not see people respond to Nvidia driver threads say they are going back to driver XXX.XXX because its far better. Though AMD have a habbit of forgetting to add old fixes into newer drivers. Though obviously some fixes are hacked in workarounds which aren't ideal and you want to fix the actual problem, sometimes that won't work or it won't fix everyones problem, so thats a reason bugs can come back.

I'll this though, I can't wait for the day every cpu has intergrated gpu's, so powerplay/nvidia's version can go to hell and the discrete cards can just completely turn off out of games.
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19 Jun 2009
As someone who has worked in software development, and involved with the process of support releases. The countless number of bad driver releases suggests bad process Nvidia side. The **** will be hitting the fan big time, and you can only blaim so much on the developers.
19 Oct 2002
Chester - a.k.a Gh0sTf@cE
My 8800GTX just started dying, but took it out, cleaned it up to see if that would work and windows didn't detect the driver. So told it to install a previous version and now all is fine, thank god. Can't believe they just nearly killed off my old school card, had this ages, wouldn't take much to push it over the edge :( Glad I caught this post as I just searched the forums for '8800GTX temperature' and this thread was at the top, lucky...
1 Jan 2008
I've found nv drivers to be pretty good bar a few issues. Good enough to use betas fairly often.

I think the problem now is that they feel under pressure atm (w.r.t. ATI and GF100), so driver releases have been pushed out way to often that weren't necessarily ready to go. Usually, the frequency of update and improvements in nvidia drivers is better than the ati drivers, which are more infrequent and often don't yield as many performance gains. ATI also have taken a long time to fix driver bugs in the recent past, where nvidia are usually right on top of them soon after a problem emerges. I suppose the problem is that the bugs shouldn't be there in the first place.
5 Mar 2010
/me wonders where all the nvidia fanboys who say ati have bad drivers have gone... probably don't have a card to boot with now ;)

all jokes aside, this is pretty poor :O

Haha :D

NVidia will certainly get hurt by this, and I guess lawfully they would have to replace any cards fried under warranty as it's their fault. As for people with cards out of warranty, they might be unlucky.
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