*mutters to self*
There's nothing wrong with my 480
There's nothing wrong with my 480
There's nothing wrong with my 480
There's nothing wrong with my 480
There's nothing wrong with my 480
There's nothing wrong with my 480
There's nothing wrong with my 480
There's nothing wrong with my 480
There's nothing wrong with my 480
There's nothing wrong with my 480

Ok, my wallet is going to be having a mind battle with me over the next few weeks....


lol I have the same issue! Except no money :p

+1 to all of the above!

http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_680/ About the most in depth review out there with many games etc along with pretty much all resolutions.

2560x1600, GTX680 is the fastest single GPU on the market :)

That is some epic performance gains on certain games, like shogun and bf3.

For the price, they look very worth the money for anyone investing in a high end platform. I would, except for the fact that 3 cards + 3 waterblocks quickly adds up to 1.5k, and Since I tend to play with vsync/triple bufferring on I still wouldnt see more than 60fps, although I would see more than 2x AA :D

Edit: Infact, instead of the random free bags of little haribo with my orders, can I have some of these instead?
I dont mean to change the subject but is it worth selling my WC'd gtx 590 and getting a 680?, I see very very similar performance between both cards, and my 590 is far too power hungry, not to mention the ability to clock the 680 without it blowing up...
I dont mean to change the subject but is it worth selling my WC'd gtx 590 and getting a 680?, I see very very similar performance between both cards, and my 590 is far too power hungry, not to mention the ability to clock the 680 without it blowing up...

That depends how much power is important to you. Sure the 680 will use less, but not £400 less ;) Especially as your 590 is WC, I'd keep it.

If you've got money to throw around and want something new, go ahead :D
Couldn't resist!

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