Yeah well thank you 'mr symatics/pedentic', regardless of if its the DSR or satisfaction guarantee the FACT is I've bought the card from ocuk so have 14 days rather than the usual 7 days.
I'll go back to banging my head, now just need to finbd a suitable brick wall.
oh and thanks for the Haribo
awesome card mine turned up yesterday playing bf4 on ultra at 1980x1080 on benq 144hz monitor just so smoooooothwell my msi gaming 780 turned up at 8am this morning
played b4 at 1080p on ultra and got around 97fps.. which i am well chuffed about
oh and thanks for the Haribo
can thoroughly recommend the Msi gaming 780, i had to check while playing b4 that the fans were working thats how quiet it is
IMO if anyone is remotely interested in G-sync, they'd be stuck not being able to upgrade their monitors for quite a while...This is rather frustrating, I was considering upgrading my monitor this month, from my current 2 year old 22" screen, but this price drop is making me think that my year old 660 is going to be replaced with a 780.. oh decisions decisions..
IMO if anyone is remotely interested in G-sync, they'd be stuck not being able to upgrade their monitors for quite a while...
I wanted to get a 21:9 monitors, but the lack of G-sync support would mean I'd have to wait...
To be completely honest, I kinda hate that the G-sync has to be done on monitor end rather than purely on the graphic card. It's gonna have the same problem as early 3D/120Hz monitors with limited choices...not to mention the fact people would need to get rid of their existing monitor...That's one of the reasons that I'm thinking about not spending a huge amount on a new monitor, and to blow it all on a new graphics card instead.. and then when the g-sync thing has settled, look into new screens then.