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Haha, same. I did get him an Xbox Series S about a month ago that is in the cupboard. Got it for about £230 and I did plan on letting him having it just as a present where we havent been away on holidays etc but the Mrs is adamant he cant just have it mainly where she's still eyeing up a holiday! I did manage to get a 2060 and 1650 the other week, so I might keep the 1650 for him and see how he gets on. He said he only wants it for Minecraft, but I've got the xbox ultimate pass so I'd like for him to be able to play those titles too to make the most of it. He plays mostly on his switch and my Series X, so I might either give him the PC and Series S or sell the S and just put the extra into the PC. He's a typical 7 year old, loves watching Youtube so I might do him a little stream set up mainly for some social interaction outside of school with everything going on.
Haha, same. I did get him an Xbox Series S about a month ago that is in the cupboard. Got it for about £230 and I did plan on letting him having it just as a present where we havent been away on holidays etc but the Mrs is adamant he cant just have it mainly where she's still eyeing up a holiday! I did manage to get a 2060 and 1650 the other week, so I might keep the 1650 for him and see how he gets on. He said he only wants it for Minecraft, but I've got the xbox ultimate pass so I'd like for him to be able to play those titles too to make the most of it. He plays mostly on his switch and my Series X, so I might either give him the PC and Series S or sell the S and just put the extra into the PC. He's a typical 7 year old, loves watching Youtube so I might do him a little stream set up mainly for some social interaction outside of school with everything going on.
My son just walked in..School just finished till Sep. On his phone playing clash of clans already. He'll be plugged into youtube later no doubt or on my old xbox moaning how slow it is. they're all the same nowadays:cry::cry:. Prob a little late as you say you have it already, but did you extend gold pass to 3 yrs before upgrading to gamepass ultimate for £1..just does a straight conversion so you get 3 yrs of gamepass..thought about the S, but for the diff in price, the size of storage(1TB rather than 500gb) on top of the better gpu clinched it for me, made us get the X instead
I got it a few years back, but I read about the "hack" after I'd already loaded up a fair bit. But I think I ended up paying about £3 a month for the first year or two. It was pretty cheap, think I had so many months free. It was aaages ago so cant fully remember! Yeah he likes using my X and PS5 downstairs, and his Switch usually handheld but will dock it sometimes. He went from being Switch mad, mainly Mario games and Pokemon to mostly Minecraft and Youtube. I dont mind him playing Minecraft as some of the stuff he builds is incredible and he likes Lego too, so atleast he is using his brain with it all. Ive got a 2tb for the ps5 with mostly my old ps4 games on and have been tempted to get the ssd add on for Series X where its dropping down in price. But at the minute, its not too full where I dont get much time to go on it and he just likes the smaller sized games. Actually managed to complete a game the other day which was the first for a while. Ive been wfh for about 2 years now so PC gaming has taken a backseat as im usually fed up of being in the same room any longer!
Never buying nintendo again. Kids grew out of it so quickly, it's all just lying untouched in a box. sounds like my youngest(12) would get on with your son..his room is lego heaven(one of those ikea 5*5 units full of the stuff), though he's more into technic now.
Been so long since i actually had a pc that could game, don't know what I'm missing anymore. building one so i can work from home, but thought I'd make sure I can game on it too. Just waiting for OCuk to restock the 011D XL with the vertical gpu riser kit included. Was deciding between black, and silver when next morning, both disappeared from my basket. Been 3 weeks now. going to give up soon and get a cheaper case(5000X as on offer at mo). The lian li is expensive enough without forking out another £50 for the vertical mount
He loves Mario and has played most of the Switch releases, but hasnt bothered with it lately. A little annoying as he had a load of Mario lego and the remote car etc for xmas and barely touched it. Ive got the normal o11, PCMR edition and its a lovely case. Great to build in. Ive got a coolermaster vertical mount and picked that up cheapish. Just have a nose at whats compatible with it, guessing the XL will be different to mine. Ive had QL120 fans and Kraken Z73 AIO here for months to install but just havent had time, and since then ive seen the new Lian Li fans and AIO and I might get those instead now :rolleyes:
Got a h150i xp pro 360mm aio which bought off eb from someone stripping out a prebuild for £66, and 3 QL120's, but yes, I like the lian li fans, esp. the SL Infinity which arent even release yet. Thinking about sending the ql's back and buying some cheap non rgb to put in till they get released. Having 3x3 daisychained so only 6 wires really appealing to me about now too. No rgb in my last build and 1 fan, so not lloking forward to all the wires. Think I'd need the commander pro module as well as the lighting node core if read everything correctly, whereas lian li just use 1 contrller from a triple pack


51 sec in if you haven't seen these ones...combines the sl with the al
Yeah ive seen them, theyre the ones im interested in getting. Like you said, less cables etc. Ive got the commander pro for the 3 ll 120s ive got. Do have another 3 ive been meaning to put in to replace my aorus aios standard ones but again, havent had time and since bought the qls lol. Ive got the lian li strimer cables so having the fans too would be cool. Tempted to get an AIO too but I like the Z73 ive got but just need to install it, then maybe using those fans or the QLs where ive got 3 or 4 triple packs here already. Really want to rebuild it with either of those parts, and also a new mobo where mine is a little dated now but has been great. Had some issues with getting my NVME running in slot 1 on it and it occasionally doesnt boot right and usb connections randomly drop and come back a second later. So I think it needs some TLC or something isnt quite right in there. Ever since I had the new CPU, AI and GPU installed its been happening so I might have balls something up at install on them.
Good luck with that. My 1st build wouldn't boot up and remember yelling at it....why did I ever go down the self build route.... well got a week taking kids to grandparents so will pull trigger on case when get back. Should really just pull triger on 5000x. just seen it for £110 with free delivery. means I wont have to buy any more fans as will have 9 which will do for time being
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