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Nvidia RTX 3080 - Overclockers Communication

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23 Sep 2020
Not usually one to complain but I have been pretty disappointed by the lack of communication from Overclockers leading up to and post the RTX 3080 launch. I know this is probably going to be an unpopular opinion but I have made an account on this forum for the sole purpose of voicing my frustration.

As a background, I placed an order for an EVGA 3080 around 1hour 15 mins after the 'go live' time. I'm not a forum user so it was a few hours later that I found out that Overclockers had posted expected availability for various card manufacturers in advance of the launch. Why was this information not available on the product pages? I, like many of you, have spent thousands of pounds with Overclockers over the years, why should non forum users be disadvantaged, again why not put this information clearly on the product page.

Since then I've kept an eye on the forums for any information on EVGA deliveries- none has appeared from what I have seen. Again why have Overclockers not come forward and stated that they do not know when EVGA cards will be available? There is no shame in not knowing, but customers would surely appreciate *something* even if it is not what they hoped for.

Why then did it take 4 days for an order confirmation to come by email?

We are now told not to contact customer service unless it is 'urgent'. Not really sure what 'urgent' means in terms of buying computer hardware to play games to be honest- is being £760 down with little to no communication urgent?

To be clear, I do not blame either Nvidia or Overclockers for the lack of stock of these cards. The performance per $/£ is a big jump from what we have been used to in recent years and it was natural that there would be a demand spike at launch. I am just frustrated by the lack of communication. Even a simple email to say what is being said on the forums would go a long way. I'm sure that there are other who do not use the forums that have heard deafening silence from Overclockers since placing their order...
Well I don;t think anyone has any stock of the EVGA at launch and I mean no one, I got an order in at somewhere else for an EVGA and they still don;t have any idea of when they are having stock in. I think most retailers in this launch haven't covered themselves with glory, I mean as soon as Nvidia told them they couldn't discuss stock numbers with anyone I would have been backing away from it. I will add OCUK you can at least get through to some people like Gibbo etc for "some" information the place I got mine from just keep trotting out the same auto filled in email. I'm no OCUK fan by any stretch but at least they seem to be trying to get some info out there this time.
I'd imagine customers who have preorders with other retailers are even more in the dark. At least there is this thriving forum for discussion here at OCUK. Whether you use it or not is your choice
I literally just made a Forum account to reply to you on this.

I too have similar feelings on this launch and have been a customer for many years. I'm waiting on a Ventus and according to the unofficial estimate tool i'm only at 204 in the queue so I'm not too worried.

All in all, could OCUK communicate better? Yes, but I feel Gibbos updates on the locked thread are enough. They are not going to tell us that "We expect X cards this week from these AIBs" because they actually don't want to set the wrong expectations when OCUK can't control the orders coming in and when.

They are trying to make the best of what was a poorly organised launch by Nvidia and the AIBs. Miscommunication all round.

But in the end, I trust OCUK, I've been shopping with them because of the level of support they have given me over the years.

We're due a new method of ETA from them soon, so I hope this will help set some expectations. But for now I'm staying in, wait and see and I'm not going to cancel my order.

In the end of the day, theres only so much staff, so many people to respond to tickets, and they are selling lots of other products.

They are asking us to stop asking about the ETA because they don't know 110% yet and other customers are suffering due to 3080 customers taking up their time.
I sent a letter to overclockers and they responded saying they are working on having a way to see your position in the queue officially. I think they are in the dark as much as we are and are working hard to resolve the situation and they will provide information soon/when they have it.
Thanks for the responses guys- always good to get other view points and some of the points made have eased the frustration somewhat. I know that it must be an exceptionally stressful time for retailers at the moment, I would however argue that a forum should not be the sole method of communicating with customers- if staff have the time to post on forums they have the time to fire a quick email to their customers with at least the same level of information. There will be customers out there that are not aware of the valuable information available on this forum, surely they should not be left in the dark because they do not have time or are not aware of these forums...

Thanks again, Nimrodmike
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